Sōsuke Aizen (藍染惣右介 , Aizen Sōsuke) was the 5th Captain of the 13 Divisions. After obtaining the Hōgyoku, he betrayed and left the Soul Society with his disciples Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tōsen. In order to invade the Royal Palace, he plans to create a Ōken by sacrificing the geographical area of Karakura and the 100,000 souls living there. He gathers an army of Arrancars in order to achieve this. He is the main antagonist of Bleach on the first 48 volumes. His original voice is interpreted by Shō Hayami.
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Aizen's appearance during the story evolves several times. From top left to bottom right. Before his exile; During the Arc of the Arrancars; Final Merger with the Hōgyoku; Arc of the Millennial Bloody War.
Before he left the Soul Society, Aizen appeared as a good man, presented with unkempt brown hair and square glasses, with soft brown eyes. He wore the standard Shinigami uniform with the captain's haori. As he ascended to Hueco Mundo, he removed his glasses and swept his hand through his hair, revealing menacing eyes and a very different hairstyle; his hair was now thrown back, with a lock falling over his face.
In Hueco Mundo, Aizen first wears an Arrancar cloak over her shihakushō. After Orihime Inoue gets captured and locked up in Las Noches, Aizen wears clothes in a similar style to the Arrancars, with a pink belt around her waist.
His appearance keeps changing during the constant use of the Hōgyoku, which gradually covers his body and transforms him.
After his defeat by Ichigo Kurosaki, Aizen loses all physical changes due to his transformation and returns to the physical form he had before these.
During the war between the Shinigami and the Vandenreich, Aizen will keep most of his body covered by the seals of the Muken but will keep most of his face uncovered except for his forehead and his right eye.
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Aizen is polite, cordial and poised, often addressing his subordinates by their first names, a familiar trait. He rarely shows any sign of alarm or distress, and often finds himself in situations that are fully planned well in advance. Whenever he is attacked, Aizen is casual and relaxed, trying to make conversation or provoke his interlocutors, which often confuses those he is talking to.
Aizen, initially seemed to be a very respected captain, very nice and was much admired, especially by his vice-captain, Momo Hinamori. However, this was just a mask to hide his manipulative side, and very dangerous by nature. In truth, he cares very little for his underlings, and is willing to use everyone around him as pawns to achieve his selfish goals, including manipulation or killing someone if he deems it necessary. He enjoys long, complex and somewhat convoluted feuds, and often seems to play with his underlings for fun. Unlike most other Shinigami or even Espadas who seem to have some sort of honor and kindness, Aizen lacks true compassion and honor.
As the commander of his Arrancar army, Aizen controls his henchmen through respect or fear. Ulquiorra revealed to Orihime that they are all there to further Aizen's ambitions. Aizen keeps rebellious individuals such as Grimmjow Jaggerjack in line through submission and mind games. Arrancar Aisslinger Wernarr claims that the Arrancars follow him because he is fearless, which is inspiring from beings born of fear and despair. Espadas follow Aizen for reasons unique to themselves, such as Szayel Aporro Grantz, who follows Aizen with the hope of eradicating the world of all Hollows.
Gin Ichimaru has some understanding of Aizen's emotions and feelings, correctly pointing out that Aizen enjoyed the invasion of Ichigo and his friends and their advance within Las Noches. He also noted that the former Captain was surprised by Hinamori's arrival during the Battle of Karakura. In contrast, Kaname Tōsen showed no such understanding, and fell victim to one of Aizen's more minor mind games when he subtly manipulated him into punishing Grimmjow for him while he himself sat under his benevolent guise.
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Aizen's goal was to overthrow the Spiritual King. For him, his existence and the world around him are nothing but disgust and this may explain his haughty, even sometimes lunatic behavior. He explains to Ukitake that "no one is on top of the world", which suggests that Aizen has long understood the function of the King and his place in the universe. Despite this, he has long considered taking his place, even if it meant betraying his homeland and leading their worst enemies to do so. Upon his defeat, he explains to Urahara "that he should speak of the world not as it is; but as it should be." This suggests an enormous willingness to innovate, not only through scientific progress, but also on a divine level.
His enormous potential pushed him to perfect his techniques to a level far beyond that of his peers, being surpassed physically only by Yamamoto. Despite this, Aizen was aware of his limits and took the time to elaborate strategies or to analyze the power of his opponents. On the other hand, he would gradually lose this habit, no longer being afraid of getting hurt after he survived a Hadō #90 thanks to the Hōgyoku. Now reckless, he lets his enemies shoot down their strategy, knowing full well that he will beat them, in stark contrast to his former caution. His arrogance will completely obscure his vision and he will use only his strength.
After being defeated by Ichigo Kurosaki and imprisoned for almost two years, Aizen was able to step back from his ambitions and philosophy. Although he has become immortal, he becomes less flexible and defiant than before and does not hesitate to get rid of a threat. Moreover, he seems to have given up his idea of obtaining the power of the Spiritual King. He still has his usual sarcasm, although more moderate than before. He remains as independent as before to the mores of the Soul Society and although he helps the Shinigami to defeat Yhwach, he does so in order to remove his authority and not for the sake of the Soul Society. Nevertheless, he manages to put his pride aside as he decides to ally with his worst enemy, whom he still hasn't forgiven, in order to fight the threat that Emperor Quincy represents.
After the Millennium Bloody War, Aizen is much more composed and this, despite his new imprisonment which does not seem to bother him more than that. He has gained some wisdom from his own defeat and especially from Yhwach's death, which led him to believe that "life and death are a natural cycle" and that breaking this cycle would prevent notions such as courage to push living beings to free themselves from this death they so much dread.
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