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Tanjiro is a young man small for his age and with an athletic physique. He has spiky black hair with burgundy tips, combed in the back to put headbutts and large black eyes with white pupils that appear dark purple under the iris. He also has a burn on his forehead, which he made while trying to protect his brother from a falling teapot, after a fight with a demon it turned dark red and changed shape. It should be noted that his hands are visibly harder than someone of his age should be because of his rigorous training with Sakonji Urokodaki.
In his first appearance, Tanjiro wears a dark green/turquoise and black plaid haori over a white dress and black pants with circular white stripes wrapped around his calves. He sometimes wears a blue scarf. He also wears a pair of hanafuda earrings, decorated with a white and red flower.
During the Final Selection, Tanjiro wears a blue kimono and black jinbei pants, almost identical to Sakonji's. He still wears his earrings, which are decorated with a white and red flower. He still wears his hanafuda earrings, similar to the rest of the apprentices trained under Sakonji, Tanjiro wears a hand-carved fox mask made by his master on the side of his head. The mask has eyes, ears, and red spots at each end of the mouth. In the upper right corner of the mask, a red sun-shaped pattern is decorated, which probably symbolizes the scar on his forehead.
After becoming a Demon Slayer, Tanjiro keeps his iconic hanafuda earrings on his ears and his plaid haori over the standard slayer uniform, which consists of a dark brown gakuran jumpsuit, a white belt around his waist and tabi socks, as well as zôri, with white strips of cloth wrapped tightly around his calves. He carries a large wooden box on his back, where his sister sleeps during the day.
During his second encounter with Muzan Kibutsuji, he injured his right eye in the Infinite Dimensional Fortress. Later, Tanjiro collapses and his wound starts to form a big lump on his right eye due to the poison that was inflicted on him by Muzan. Later, when Tanjiro wakes up, he is described as looking "repulsive" by Muzan. Afterwards, he will have his arm cut off by Muzan.
After being turned into a demon by Muzan, Tanjiro is able to heal the bump on his face as well as regenerate his lost arm and other smaller injuries. He gets eyes with slit pupils, fangs, flame-like marks on his left forehead and right jaw reminiscent of Kokushibo's, plus a third smaller flame-like mark running down the right side of his head to his eyebrow after defeating the weakness of all demons, the Sun. His scar turns into a flame that looks like a permanent demon slayer's mark. It has become the longest and largest of the three. All three marks point vaguely to his nose, though only his scar mark reaches him. He still dons his blood-stained slayers' uniform, one sleeve torn off where his arm was cut, but loses his plaid haori as well as his sun sword at the hip.
After returning to his human form, Tanjiro loses the ability to see out of his right eye, whose iris is now a dull pink-gray color and the pupil black rather than its original white. His left arm, which he regenerated as a demon, now takes on the appearance of what an elderly person might have, becoming wrinkled and skeletal, and he loses all feeling below the elbow and thus the ability to move it from his shoulder down.

Tanjiro is kind by nature and has been described by others as having very gentle eyes. He shows great determination and will not give up once he has a goal to achieve. The best example of this is his relentless quest to find a cure for Nezuko. Even though he is relatively strong in his own right, he is not averse to asking others for help when he needs it. He is very protective of his friends and even more so of his younger sister. However, despite his kind and understanding nature, Tanjiro has a limit to his tolerance and a distaste for rudeness, as he is easily annoyed by Zenitsu Agatsuma's constant complaining and irritated by Inosuke Hashibira's barbaric actions.
Tanjiro's most remarkable attribute is his ability to empathize with anyone, even demons, which often makes him hesitate before delivering the final blow. This moment of hesitation has a downside, as it has allowed some demons to take advantage of Tanjiro's understanding nature to recover and continue the fight, though this rarely happens. However, as Tanjiro's years of service have passed, he has become more calculating and strict in his decisions. His courage to protect the weak commits him to face his enemy with respect and dignity, whether against good people or evil demons.
Underneath Tanjiro's rather kind and friendly shell, there is a person filled with a burning desire for revenge and rage. This side of him comes out when Tanjiro confronts Muzan for the first time, ready to draw his sword and attack him. When Muzan escapes, Tanjiro releases his frustration and declares that he alone will kill Muzan. At another point, when some slayers get their necks broken by the sons of the Mother Spider Demon, Tanjiro shows a notable anger that even Inosuke feels. This side of Tanjiro comes out fully after Muzan's speech where he compares himself to a natural disaster. Tanjiro responds to this by calling him a "being that should not exist".
As a demon, Tanjiro seemed to be senseless, as most initially follow their transformation. He acted like a wild beast, attacking anyone in sight without hesitation. Even his friends and comrades were not safe. The only exception was Nezuko, whom he refused to harm even after tasting her blood, a possible sign that he was fighting his transformation. His hostility towards demon slayers could also be due to the fact that his mind was affected by Muzan's desire to kill all demon slayers.
Discover the figure of Inosuke |

Tanjiro and Nezuko small.
Tanjiro grew up on a mountain with his younger siblings and parents as the oldest son of the Kamado family. As a child, Tanjiro learned the Dance of the Fire God from his father, Tanjuro Kamado, knowing unconsciously that the dance was actually the Breath of the Sun, a Style of Breath used in battle to kill demons. Later in his childhood his father died of an illness, which led him to have responsibilities at an early age and to be a father figure to his siblings.
Tanjiro was very affectionate towards his siblings, doing everything he could to take care of them. When one of his brothers accidentally knocked over a kettle, he protected it and received a burn scar on his forehead. Tanjiro was responsible for selling charcoal in the nearest town to earn money for the family and seemed to frequent the town quite often, as the residents easily recognized him and regularly asked for his help.
Final Selection Bow

First appearance of Tanjiro.
During the Taisho era, Tanjiro Kamado leads a modest but happy life in the mountains with his family, consisting of his mother and younger siblings.
One snowy morning, Tanjiro is about to leave for the nearby town to sell charcoal, but his younger sister Hanako Kamado and brother Shigeru Kamado hold him back, begging him to take them. Their mother, Kie Kamado, intervenes, telling them that they could not keep up with him. Takeo Kamado also expresses his disappointment, initially hoping to chop wood with his older brother that day. As Tanjiro is on his way to the city, his sister, Nezuko Kamado, who is carrying their youngest brother, Rokuta Kamado, says goodbye.
In town, Tanjiro has a friendly conversation with the locals, some of whom ask him to help them with their shopping. After spending the afternoon in town, he starts to go home but is suddenly stopped by a man named Saburo. Saburo warns him about the dangers in the mountains at night, especially the demons, and convinces Tanjiro to stay at his house for the night.

Tanjiro being attacked by Nezuko.
After returning home the next day, Tanjiro returns to find his entire family slaughtered by a demon, except for his younger sister Nezuko. Tanjiro takes her but discovers that she has been transformed into a demon. So he is attacked by her, but then Giyu Tomioka attacks Nezuko from behind, but fails when Tanjiro protects her. Recovering quickly, the swordsman asks the boy why he protects her, and he answers that the demoness is his sister but Giyu questions this statement before taking the girl. Giyu explains to him that his job is to kill demons. The slayer then listens to Tanjiro who tries to explain him the situation of his sister. Giyu then teaches Tanjiro that the change in Nezuko's behavior is simple to explain: anyone who has received demon blood on one of his open wounds becomes a demon himself, and that there is no cure for this evil. Tanjiro exclaims that there must be a solution. But Giyu brings his sword to Nezuko's throat.
Tanjiro prostrates himself before the slayer, begging him for his sister's life. But Giyu becomes angry at his actions. Tanjiro, distraught, sees Giyu stabbing Nezuko in the chest, which makes him attack her and take his axe. However, the slayer, seeing this as an act driven by emotions, stuns his attacker, making him fall to the ground. Staring at him, Giyu wonders where his axe is. Looking up, he sees the weapon spinning towards him in the air, narrowly dodging it. He then thinks about Tanjiro's clever strategy.

Tanjiro praying for his family.
Nezuko then takes advantage of it to escape from his hold and attacks him. Giyu is then surprised to see Nezuko protecting his brother instead of devouring him. Once Tanjiro wakes up, Giyu tells him to go to the foot of the Sagiri mountain, at Sakonji Urokodaki's house, and never to expose Nezuko to the sun. Before leaving the place where they grew up, Tanjiro and Nezuko dig graves to bury their family and pray for their souls in the afterlife.
Later that day, Tanjiro hides Nezuko in a small cave and goes to the nearby farm to buy a broken basket and some straw and bamboo. Reaching the entrance of the cave, Tanjiro quickly makes a basket big enough to carry Nezuko on his back, herself using her shrinking abilities and leave for Mount Sagiri.
Towards sunset, Tanjiro learns from a villager that to reach Mount Sagiri, he would have to cross a perilous mountain. Not being afraid, he ignores the warning and discovers a temple with the lights on, immediately smelling blood. Panicking, he rushes into the temple and finally surprises a demon. When the demon notices them, it senses something strange about them and quickly jumps on Tanjiro. The latter quickly grabs his axe and defends himself as he can but is quickly dominated because no matter how many times Tanjiro strikes with his axe, the demon will regenerate every time. Nezuko then strikes a kick powerful enough to tear off the demon's head.

Tanjiro fighting the head of the Temple Demon.
The demon grows arms on his head and fights Tanjiro as well as commands his body to attack Nezuko. Tanjiro then fixes the demon against a tree trunk with his axe. Tanjiro then goes to help Nezuko by attacking the demon's body and throws it off a cliff. Although he is dragged with him, Tanjiro is saved by his sister. Despite causing him excruciating pain with the destruction of his body, the demon does not die.
Tanjiro realizes that the demon hanging in front of him has a different smell than the one he smelled in their house and hesitates to finish the demon, but then the hand of a person wearing a tengu mask appears and touches the boy's shoulder. The masked man tells him that he won't be able to kill the demon with a knife and, to his disappointment, Tanjiro is too compassionate and overthinks, accidentally letting the demon perish by the sun's rays. After the demon dies, Tanjiro notices that the man is already giving a proper burial to the demon's victims.

Tanjiro watching the death of the Temple Demon.
The masked man introduces himself as Sakonji Urokodaki and asks if Tanjiro was the one Giyu told him about, Tanjiro confirms the statement. Sakonji follows his question by chastising Tanjiro for his inability to make quick decisions. Sakonji states that if his sister devoured a human, he would have to kill himself. Sakonji then tells Tanjiro to follow him.
On their way, Tanjiro, while carrying Nezuko on his back, quickly feels out of breath. Sakonji, although he seems to be much older than him, follows an extremely fast pace with silent steps. All worn out, Tanjiro wonders if he has passed the test, which Sakonji had submitted to him and the latter answers that the test would start at that moment as the two of them start to climb a mountain. When they arrive at the top of the mountain, Tanjiro feels a great fatigue in him and has difficulty to breathe. Sakonji tells him to go down to the house at the foot of the mountain before dawn, then disappearing into the fog. Tanjiro, confident in his sense of smell, starts easily to go down by memorizing Sakonji's smell. However, he immediately meets several traps. Tanjiro notices that he quickly runs out of air because of the altitude of the mountain and starts to concentrate on his breathing. Tanjiro finally manages to reach the house before dawn, and Sakonji finally accepts him as his student.
After Tanjiro wakes up, Sakonji explains his profession as a trainer, and that in order to enter the Demon Slayers Army, he had to pass the Final Selection first. To prepare him for this trial, Sakonji starts to train Tanjiro in swordplay.
Final Selection
At some point after the training begins, Nezuko falls into an endless sleep, deeply worrying Tanjiro. Sakonji tries to call a doctor, but the doctor mentions that there is nothing wrong with her. Tanjiro worries and keeps a diary which he writes daily to remember what he learns with Sakonji and also to serve as something Nezuko could read once she wakes up.
Finally, after a year, Sakonji tells Tanjiro that he has nothing left to teach him, asking him to prove himself by working on the basics he was taught. He is led to a giant rock and told by his master that if he can cut it in half with his sword, he would be allowed to go to the final selection. While Tanjiro is overwhelmed by doubt, Sakonji leaves without a word.
For six months, Tanjiro trains more and more but without success of progress, then in a burst of despair, hits the rock and suddenly hears a noise. A boy with a fox mask appears and scolds Tanjiro for his whining. Tanjiro is surprised by the arrival of the boy and is attacked by him with a wooden sword. Although Tanjiro has a real sword, he is quickly dominated and insulted and knocked out by the masked boy.
When he wakes up, a girl with a fox mask asks him if everything is okay but Tanjiro was too impressed by the performance of the boy with the fox mask. The girl explains that she will look after him and introduces herself as Makomo and tells him that the boy's name was Sabito. Makomo, afterwards, helped Tanjiro in his training. She clarifies to him that she and Sabito are not brother and sister but are orphans taken in by Sakonji, as for many other children. She explains him the concept of integral concentration breath. He learns in particular the "fault line".

Tanjiro cutting the rock
Tanjiro is congratulated by Sakonji. Sakonji reveals that he didn't want him to participate for fear of seeing another child die. Before leaving for the Final Selection, Sakonji cuts his hair and gives him a fox mask. As he leaves, Tanjiro mentions the names of Makomo and Sabito, surprising Sakonji by the fact that he knew the names of his deceased students.

Tanjiro admiring the wisteria of Mount Fujikasane
Tanjiro arrives at Mount Fujikasane and gathers with the other contestants, then two young children, a boy and a girl explain them how the exam works. After the explanation, the selection finally begins, but from the beginning two demons immediately start to attack Tanjiro, but are quickly decapitated by Tanjiro in one blow, thanks to the special sword called the sword of the Sun that had been conferred to Tanjiro by Sakonji, which, when decapitating the demons, would prevent them from regenerating.
While going deeper into the mountain Tanjiro, finds and helps a competitor being attacked by a giant demon with several arms. The demon, seeing Tanjiro's fox mask, guesses that he is a student of Sakonji. He asks him in which period they are, then when Tanjiro reveals it to him, discovering that 47 years had passed since his capture by Sakonji, he became furious. Tanjiro didn't believe that the demon could have lived so long, this last one explains him that not only he had lived a long time but that he had killed a good number of Sakonji's students by revenge such as Makomo or Sabito. Tanjiro in an excess of anger, increases his breath and charges on the demon cutting him several arms but is countered. Stunned, Tanjiro hears the call of one of his dead brothers, Shigeru, and suddenly leaps up and uses the First Movement of the Water Breath - Calm Water Slash and decapitates the demon.
At the end of the exam, Tanjiro and three other candidates, are congratulated by the two young children from the beginning of the exam. The latter explain them the organization of the Slaughterers' Army, receiving their uniforms as well as a liaison crow. One of the survivors, Genya Shinazugawa, attacks one of the children, Kanata Ubuyashiki, to receive her Sword of the Sun, but Tanjiro intervenes in the confrontation, protecting the child. Then, each survivor is invited to choose a mineral for which his blade will be forged.
Some time later, Tanjiro descends Mount Fujikasane, feeling a wave of weariness. He is particularly troubled by the fact that he could not ask any demon the way to make a demon become human again. Wounded and using a crutch, he returns to Sakonji's house but it is with surprise that he discovers Nezuko finally awake, and cries of relief. Sakonji appears and embraces them both, crying with happiness that Tanjiro came back alive.
Fifteen days later, Tanjiro sees at the entrance a man wearing a big hat, this one introduces himself to Tanjiro under the name of Hotaru Haganezuka and tells him that he has forged his blade. Tanjiro invites him to drink tea but is ignored by Hotaru who unwraps Tanjiro's sword on the floor. Once inside, he explains to him that the swords of the Sun change color once drawn from their sheath. Hotaru hopes, because of the color of Tanjiro's hair and eyes, that the blade would be a bright red, but Tanjiro gets a black blade, to his great frustration. Sakonji comments that he had never seen such a shade of black and Hotaru jumps on Tanjiro, blaming him for not having had the chance to see a red blade. At that moment, Tanjiro's raven warns him to go on his first mission to hunt demons.
Discover the figure of Giyu |
Arc of the First Mission
After a while, Tanjiro gets his slayer uniform, Sakonji explains to his student that the outfit he wears is made of a special kind of fiber. To make his travels easier, Sakonji gives him a big box made for Nezuko to rest during the day. Tanjiro expresses his gratitude to his master and asks Nezuko to enter the box. Just before Tanjiro leaves for his journey as a demon slayer, Sakonji straightens his student's clothes and says goodbye.

The demon kidnapping a young girl.
Arriving in a town for his first mission, Tanjiro hears a rumor that girls are being kidnapped at night by a demon and that's how he meets Kazumi, a villager who had his fiancée kidnapped by the demon. Tanjiro asks him about the abduction and Kazumi explains what happened. At nightfall Tanjiro smells the demon and thinks that it is close by.

Tanjiro using the Eighth Movement of the Breath of Water on the Swamp Demon.
Arriving at the source of the smell, Tanjiro jumps off a roof and lands in an alley. He takes out his sword, preparing himself for battle. Tanjiro detects two different smells, a demon and a human woman. Despite the fact that there was no one in sight, he could sense that both were in fact under the ground and sticks his sword in. Thus, he saw the demon resurface as well as the girl. While protecting Kazumi, Tanjiro attacks the demon but is amazed by the fact that there is not only one demon but three. Then he uses the Eighth Movement of the Breath of Water: Impact of the Cascade but misses their vital organs. The fight continues and at the moment the demon tries to finish Tanjiro from behind, but Nezuko arrives and saves his brother. Tanjiro then realizes that he can let Nezuko protect Kazumi while he concentrates on the attack.
Tanjiro asks Nezuko to continue protecting Kazumi while he goes underground. He descends into the Demon Swamp, where there is almost no air and the clothes of many victims are floating.
The two demons inside the swamp believe that it must be difficult for Tanjiro to move or breathe, and that he is a fool to dive. But at the top of Mount Sagiri, where Tanjiro spent more than two years training, the air was much more scarce than inside the swamp. There, Tanjiro also learned forms of Water Breath that can only release their full potential underwater.
The demons rush in just as Tanjiro is about to counterattack, but he knows he can simply wait for them to get close again. He uses a technique that can be unleashed without support, a fierce cutting vortex created by a violent twist of the upper and lower body.

Tanjiro defeating two of the demon's bodies.
The sharp whirlwind cuts the demons into pieces, killing them instantly. Despite his victory, Tanjiro is saddened by the number of victims the demons have claimed. The boy is out of breath and swims to get out of the swamp.

Tanjiro questioning the second body.
The swamp demon tries to finish Nezuko off by clawing at her face, but Tanjiro emerges from the swamp in time to save his sister. Tanjiro cuts off the demon's arm, demanding that the demon not lay a hand on his beloved sister. He follows up by cutting off the demon's other arm before it can attack again, finally defeating the demon.
The last remaining swamp demon falls and realizes that he is the only one left alive. Tanjiro tells him that he gives off a terrible stench and asks how many girls he has kidnapped. The demon tries to defend his actions by saying that he was killing girls so that they would not age. Irritated, Tanjiro cuts off the demon's tongue and moves on to the next question.

The demon refuses to give information and is killed by Tanjiro.
Tanjiro presses his blade against the demon and forces it back against a fence. He demands to know all the demon's information about Muzan. However, Tanjiro is unprepared for Muzan's paralyzing fear that the demon has instilled. He cowers and shakes to his bones, claiming that he cannot say anything.
The smell of fear is extremely strong and the demon acts out of panic. He lashes out, forcing Tanjiro to cut off his head and kill him.
Kazumi remains in shock and when Tanjiro tries to comfort him, he attacks him. Despite this, Tanjiro leaves smiling and making Kazumi realize his mistake. Kazumi apologizes and thanks him for his help. Tanjiro swears to defeat Muzan for the suffering he caused. His raven lands on his shoulder and directs him to Asakusa, for his next mission. While resting in a park, he detects Muzan's scent and chases him away, leaving Nezuko behind in a hurry. He locates Muzan as he walks down a busy street and is about to draw his sword when Tanjiro realizes he is holding a girl who calls him "daddy". A woman approaches and asks what's going on and the girl in Muzan's arms calls him "mom". Tanjiro can sense that the girl and the woman are human, but Muzan pretends that they are too. To distract Tanjiro, Muzan digs his fingernails into his palm to bloody them and slices the neck of a passing man, turning him into a demon.
Asakusa Arch
Arc Maison aux Tambours
Mount Natagumo Arch
Their next destination is in the north-northwest. Tanjiro and Nezuko go to Mount Natagumo with Zenitsu and Inosuke. This mountain is covered with spider webs and is full of spiders. Leaving behind Zenitsu who is cowering, Tanjiro and Inosuke go to the top of the mountain where they meet other demon slayers entangled in spider webs.
Bow Recovery Training
Arc Train de l'Infini
Arc District Red
Arc Village des Forgerons
Bow Pillar Training
Final Battle Arch
Infinite Dimensional Fortress Bow
Countdown to Dawn bow
Skills & Competencies
From the beginning, although he was not a member of the Demon Slaying Army, Tanjiro managed to surprise Giyu Tomioka, the Water Pillar. After starting his training in the Breath of Water. After remembering the Dance of the Fire God, which he learned from his father, he could almost defeat Rui, the Eleventh Lower Moon. After awakening his mark and training over and over again, Tanjiro proved that he was able to stand up to even Higher Moons like Akaza, Giyu even comparing his strength to that of a pillar. After being poisoned by Muzan and having a mysterious vision of his ancestors, Tanjiro was able to fight Muzan alone, who had just defeated Obanai, Mitsuri, Gyomei, Giyu, Sanemi, Zenitsu and Inosuke alone. Muzan expressed uneasy feelings towards Tanjiro because of the similarities between him and Yoriichi.
Discover the figure of Tanjiro |
Natural Abilities
- Enhanced sense of smell: Tanjiro has an enhanced sense of smell even before his training. He is strong enough to be able to smell the "fault line" of an opponent, which allows him to attack and distinguish species, as well as their approximate location. After practicing this skill for some time as a demon hunter, he has acquired the ability to sense emotions as well as track objects, humans, or demons over long distances. During his training with Yoriichi Zeroshiki, Tanjiro has awakened the ability to predict the movements of his opponents through his sense of smell, which can be detected faster than the "fault line."
- Combat Skills: This trait of Tanjiro's was emphasized by Giyu during their first meeting, in which Tanjiro cleverly devised a plan to attack Giyu by surprise by charging towards him, without showing the demon hunter that he was unarmed, and take down Giyu with an axe he had thrown in the air beforehand. The attack failed, but Giyu was still very impressed with Tanjiro's plan, especially since he was a beginner at the time.
- Overdeveloped Strength: After training at Mount Sagiri, Tanjiro gained strength and speed, and proved to be very useful, as seen when he jumped twice his size over the Demonic Hand that killed Sakonji's followers in the final selection. His forehead is also exceptionally strong, as he is able to injure Sanemi Shinazugawa, the Wind Pillar, and even momentarily stun Gyutaro, the Number Six Upper Moon.
- Overdeveloped Speed: Tanjiro is able to keep up with Akaza, a Superior Moon and incredibly fast demon, during their second encounter. After awakening his Killer Mark, Tanjiro's speed increases even more.
- Overdeveloped Reflexes: After awakening his Demon Slayer mark, Tanjiro gains extremely sharp reflexes. He becomes able to easily dodge and counter Daki's attacks while she is in her weakest form, without Daki being able to do him any harm.
- Crimson Red Solar Sword: In his second battle with Muzan, Tanjiro gains the ability to dye his solar sword crimson red, allowing him to hinder the demons increased regeneration.
- Transparent World: Like his father, he has gained the ability to anticipate an opponent's attack while showing no fighting spirit or sense of bloodlust, gaining immunity from anyone who can detect them. In this state, his movement intuition and evasion speed increase significantly.
- Mark of the Demon Slayers: Tanjiro first awakened his mark while fighting Daki, a Superior Moon, and again while fighting Akaza, Superior Moon Number Three. This state greatly increases his strength, speed and reaction time. In his fight against Akaza, after gaining access to the transparent world in addition to his killer mark, he is able to move fast enough to cut off his head without giving him time to react, which would have killed Akaza if he had not overcome his weakness to being decapitated by a solar sword. However, it should be noted that Akaza's compass detection ability relied on detecting his opponent's fighting spirit, and Tanjiro was unable to show any fighting spirit in this attack. The only drawback is that Tanjiro can only enter this state on rare occasions and he can only use it for a very short period of time because it causes his body to become exhausted, as shown in his fights against Akaza and Daki.
Discover the figure of Tanjiro |
Breath of Water
It was taught to him by Sakonji Urokodaki, the former Water Pillar before Giyu. The user can increase the amount of oxygen in his blood by controlling his breathing rate, which increases his strength and agility to match that of a demon. Tanjiro has now learned to do the full concentration breath at all times, further increasing his core strength, speed and endurance. By focusing on precise breathing, he is able to stop the bleeding of wounds. With this enhanced strength and ability he is able to find the fault line. Tanjiro can use ten different movements.
Name of the technique | Description | Image |
Premier Mouvement : Entaille de l'Eau Calme (二にノ型かた Ichi no Kata: Minamo Giri) |
A single concentrated cut. |
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Deuxième Mouvement : La Roue d'Eau (Ni no Kata: Mizu Guruma) |
Tanjiro jumps and turns his body while slicing. |
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Deuxième Mouvement : La Roue d'Eau - Variation Latérale (Ni no Kata Kai: Yoko Mizu Guruma) |
A horizontal version of the second movement. |
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Troisième Mouvement : Danse des Courants (San no Kata: Ryûryû Mai) |
Tanjiro waves his blade at his opponent in a way that mimics the movement of waves on the surface of the water. |
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Fourth Movement: The Breaking Tide (肆しノ型かた 打うち潮しお Shi no Kata: Uchishio) |
Tanjiro makes several consecutive cuts while twisting his body in a fluid manner similar to a hard tide. |
Fifth Movement: The Providential Reverse (伍ごノ型かた 干かん天てんの慈じ雨う Go no Kata: Kanten no Jiu) |
A "sword of kindness" that kills the target with little or no pain. Used when the enemy surrenders. |
Sixth Step: Swirl (Roku no Kata: Nejire Uzu) |
Tanjiro fiercely twists the top and bottom of his body, creating a whirlpool that cuts through anything in sight. Can be used in a place without solid support and, if used underwater, can generate a large whirlpool that attracts anything nearby in addition to cutting them like a large blade. |
Combined Sixth and Third Movement: Dancing Whirlpool (Roku no Kata: Nejire Uzu - Ryûryû) |
The sixth movement combined with the movements of the third, allowing the user to launch a powerful strike while getting closer to the target. |
Seventh Movement: Dewdrop Disturbing Sleeping Water (漆しちノ型かた 雫しずく 波は紋もん突づき Shichi no Kata: Shizuku Hamondzuki) | A fast and precise stroke. The fastest water blow technique. | ![]() |
Seventh Movement: Dewdrop Disturbing Sleeping Water - En Crochet (漆しちノ型かた 雫しずく波は紋もん突づき・曲きょく Shichi no Kata: Shizuku Hamondzuki - Kyoku) |
A hook version of the Seventh Movement that is executed at an angle to minimize the impact of a moving target. |
Eighth Movement: Waterfall Impact (捌はちノ型かた 滝たき壺つぼ Hachi no Kata: Takitsubo) |
Tanjiro cuts the target vertically. |
Ninth Movement: Raging Waters (Ku no Kata: Suiryu Shibuki) vième Mouvement : Embruns des Flots Déchaînés (Ku no Kata: Suiryû Shibuki) |
Minimizes landing time and surface area required for landing, allowing Tanjiro to move without limits. Ideal for fighting in places without solid support. |
Dixième Mouvement : Les Vicissitudes de la Vie (Jû no Kata: Seisei Ruten) |
A constant attack that increases in power with each rotation, creating a powerful blow. |
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Dance of the Fire God
It was taught to him by his father, Tanjuro Kamado. It is a style of Breathing that increases the strength and endurance of the user. The dance is composed of 12 segments repeated from sunset to sunrise. However, there is an unknown thirteenth movement that is obtained if the movements are repeated one after another, as the techniques are supposed to be connected like a circle, going from Waltz to Flaming Waltz. It is later confirmed that the Dance of the Fire God is the same as the Sun Breath.
Name of the technique | Description | Image |
Valse (Enbu Enbu) |
A single concentrated cut. |
Valse Foudroyante (Enbu Issen Enbu Issen) |
Developed by Tanjiro. This one uses Zenitsu's Lightning Strike and combines it with his Waltz by pumping air air throughout his body, concentrating it on his legs, and releasing it while finishing with a blazing blow. The technique was able to overtake Genya and Nezuko, as well as Hantengu on the run, although it is even slower than Zenitsu's Lightning Strike. |
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Paradis Bleu (Heki-ra no Ten) |
The user turns his body to deliver a 360 degree blow. |
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Miroir Brûlant Écarlate (Retsujitsu Kôkyô) |
The user unleashes two horizontal slashes that defend against attacks from the front or the side. |
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Arc-en-Ciel Parhélique (Gen'nichi Niji Kô) |
This technique is used to avoid techniques that use high speed twisting using high speed twists and turns. It works most effectively on enemies with good vision, because they will attack a rear image of him and not his real body. |
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Char Enflammé (Fire Kasha Kasha) |
The user attacks the enemy while he is distracted and strikes a blow in the air while rotating. |
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The Sun that Reduces Bones to Ashes (灼しゃっ骨こつ炎えん陽よう Shyakkotsu En'yô) |
A circular attack that protects against impending frontal attacks. |
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Shining Stab of the Sun (陽よう華か突とつ Yôkatotsu) |
A single blow with the tip of the blade. |
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Chaleur Ondulante (Hirin Kagerô) |
The user charges at his opponents with a flaming blade to slice them. |
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Le Coucher de Soleil (Shayô Tenshin) |
The user jumps in the air, head down to slice his opponents with a flaming blade. | |
Rai de Lumière (Kiki Onkô) |
The user flies in a spiral to send a powerful slash to those caught in it. |
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Halo Solaire Danse Draconique (Nichiun no Ryû Kaburimai) |
Resembling a dragon, the user moves in circles to avoid enemy attacks and slice them several times. This technique was first used by Tanjiro in conjunction with Nezuko's Blood Power to improve the effectiveness of the technique. In his second battle against Muzan, he is able to use this technique without Nezuko's help. |
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Valse Enflammée (Enbu Enbu) |
A two-step stroke that starts with a vertical stroke and then immediately follows with a horizontal one. |
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Treizième Mouvement (Jû San no Kata) |
The user continuously performs the twelve movements of the in repetitive succession to increase the precision and the precision and agility of his movements. This form was created only to kill Muzan since the repetition of the twelve forms aims at destroy the twelve vital organs of Muzan's twelve vital organs (7 hearts and 5 brains) that move freely freely inside his body thanks to his ability to change shape. |
Blowback Hybridization
During his battle with the Upper Moon Number Six, Gyutaro, Tanjiro was able to combine two styles of Breath, both the Breath of Water and the Dance of the Fire God, which allowed him to greatly increase his speed for a short period of time and perform attacks that possess the qualities of both styles of Breath.
Demonic abilities
Tanjiro is later transformed into a demon by Muzan Kibutsuji, who was killed by the slayer, hoping to pass on his feelings and abilities to Tanjiro, deeming him capable of fulfilling his designs and becoming the true immortal king of demons. Although Tanjiro quickly became human again via Tamayo's humanizing drug, the power he demonstrates during this brief time as a demon seems to be at least on par with those of a Higher Moon, if not Muzan himself. Later, Yushiro stated that, in terms of biological potential, Tanjiro's potential to evolve as a demon was much higher than his sister, who was the first demon to develop resistance to sunlight, as well as Muzan.
- Advanced Regeneration: Tanjiro possessed a tremendous regeneration ability, easily equal to a Superior Moon. Upon becoming a demon, he recovered from all of the wounds he sustained in his battles with Akaza and Muzan, reversed the growth on his face caused by Muzan's poisoning, and then regenerated the damage caused to him by sunlight in a matter of seconds. He was also able to instantly regrow his severed arm. According to Giyu, Tanjiro's regeneration speed, along with his resistance to sunlight, made him virtually invincible
- Sunlight Resistance: After his first transformation, Tanjiro is initially affected by sunlight like any normal demon, but he quickly develops a resistance to it and is soon able to move around in daylight without taking damage. It is possible that he is able to do this because, as Muzan noted just before his death, he shares blood with Nezuko, a demon who conquered the sun, and his abilities seem to stem from hers. Giyu claimed that with his immunity to the sun's ray, and his advanced regeneration, Tanjiro was virtually invincible.
- Resistance to Crimson Sun Swords: According to Giyu, Tanjiro's immunity to the sun also gives him resistance to Crimson Sun Swords.
- Metamorphosis: Similar to Muzan, and probably because he inherited his blood, Tanjiro has displayed metamorphic abilities. He can develop spine-like protrusions from his back that extend like whip-like tentacles with blades that greatly increase his attack range. However, probably due to his state of mind, Tanjiro has not shown the same ability to wield them as Muzan.
Discover the figure of tangiro |
Blood Power
Following his transformation by Muzan into a demon, albeit for a short time, Tanjiro would have developed what appears to be a Blood Power. His power is based on the manipulation of waves and energy.
Name of the technique | Description | Image |
Shockwave ( |
Similar to Muzan, and probably because he inherited his blood, Tanjiro's screams can create a powerful shockwave. The technique is powerful enough to make Zenitsu, Inosuke and Goto push back Zenitsu, Inosuke and Goto while they were trying to hold him back, only Nezuko can hold on. |
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Ray of Energy (エネルギービーム Enerugîbîmu) |
Tanjiro can shoot a beam of energy from his mouth. The technique is powerful enough to create a small crater. However, when Nezuko put her hand in front of her mouth, she came out with only a bleeding hand, although Giyu noted that he wasn't trying to hurt her. |
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- SHis first name contains the kanji for "charcoal" (炭た ん tan), "To heal" (治じ hee), and "sound, male" (郎ろう rô), which is also a common male name suffix. The first kanji in Tanjiro's last name translates to a "traditional Japanese wood or charcoal stove/oven" (竈かまど kama), while the second kanji means "door" (門ど make).
- The second character could also refer to (退たい 治じ taiji), which refers to the exorcism of demons.
- Tanjiro was ranked 1st in the first character popularity poll with 6,742 votes.
- When Tanjiro lies, he doesn't have a normal expression because of his honest nature.
- TTanjiro inherited his hard forehead from his mother.
- Tanjiro was incorrectly nicknamed Gonpachiro Kamaboko, Gengoro Shakariki, Tontaro Itadaki, Kanjiro Anago, Tangoro Hamado, Jangoro Amado, Monjiro, Kentaro and Souchiro by Inosuke.
- Tanjiro is one of the few characters who have a change of appearance of the Sun sword.
- Apparently, Tanjiro is able to understand what the birds say.
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