Yasutora Sado, also called Chad (チャド, Chado) by his close friends, is a teenager who lives in Karakura Town. He is a student at Karakura Town High School and is also in the same class as Ichigo and has known him since middle school.
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He is a tall, silent young man. His stature and strength are impressive. Indeed, he seems invulnerable, whether an iron beam falls on his head or someone runs into him on a motorcycle.
Despite his rugged appearance, he is a kind boy and a very good student. He loves cute and classy things like Kon, Ichigo's stuffed animal. He uses his phenomenal strength only to defend others and not for his own life. He is a quiet high school student.
Chad lost his parents when he was 8 years old. He was a child who had a lot of trouble with others, who didn't like to see someone who didn't look like them. So he was often forced to fight.
Chad was born in Okinawa, Japan but lived in Mexico with his "abuelo" Oscar Joaquin De La Rosa (his grandfather). He was the one who guided him in his teaching with a lot of love since his early childhood, especially after the death of his parents. Abuelo died protecting Chad during one of his famous fights. Since that day, Chad has made a promise not to use his fists for personal use, but only to protect those he loves. He suffered from racism because of his dark skin and size but promised his grandfather to never fight for himself because he is so strong that his opponents' blows do nothing to him but his own blows are too powerful for others; it was with a promise where he and Ichigo agreed to protect each other that he really became friends with him, when they were in ninth grade where Chad beat up Seconds beating up Ichigo because he is a redhead. Seeing that Chad let himself be beaten, Ichigo got rid of the Seconds and noticed that Chad got away unscathed.
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Replacement shinigami bow
Chad's classmates gave him a white bird, but it seems cursed because its previous owner died. Suddenly, a giant beam tries to fall on the bird, Sado interferes and finally takes the beam on his back and is attacked by an invisible creature on his back. The bird starts to talk, it seems to understand Sado. Chad's friends notice his injuries and Sado explains the story.
Later, Sado arrives at the kurosaki clinic, injured with his bird, he pretends to be fine, then tries to leave the clinic, then faints. The father of Ichigo kurosaki installs him on a bed to rest, when the night fell, sado leaves the hospital to go in a warehouse abundant with his bird (parakeet). Suddenly Sado, a kind of invisible creature (Hollow), attacks Sado and the bird, Sado runs away and promises the bird that he will find his mother. Sado notices Rukia kuchiki and Ichigo kurosaki, while he was running away not to put them in danger he continues to run. Sado stops running when he notices that Rukia is in trouble and returns to help her. Sado hits the invisible creature and saves Rukia, Rukia indirectly makes it clear that she is able to see the Hollow, then Sado does some rights and manages to hit twice the Hollow named Skrieker. Then Skierker flies away and Rukia indicates the position of the Hollow,

Sado rushes towards a post and hits, Skrieker, with the post. Once the Hollow on the ground, this last one sends some kind of paralyzing sansus which imobilizes Sado and Rukia. But Sado frees himself thanks to his brute force and frees Rukia. The Hollow seeing his inferiority starts to fly away, when at the same time Rukia has a plan, Sado catches Rukia and throws her towards the Hollow and this last one is stopped by sansuw. Skrieke brings out the bird and threatens to kill it if Sado intervenes, Sado doesn't move anymore and notices Ichigo's body on the ground inanimate, but Rukia makes him understand that Ichigo is on a mission, she asks Sado to take Ichigo's body and the bird and to run away. After the battle he learns that the bird is a young boy, this young boy thanks Sado then he is sent to the soul society'. Before he left, Sado promised that he would meet again at the soul society. After this event Sado goes with his friends to the Don Kanonji show. During the show, Sado hears a voice, but Keigo Asuno tells him that it is his imagination. After the show kagine crit on the group because of the heckling, Rukia makes diversion the group flees by the window. Later, Sado is attacked by a Hollow, named Bulbous G, they run away to keep the Hollow away from the civilians. Unfortunately, Sado meets ishigo's sister, karin kurosaki, he protects her and asks karin to be his eyes.
Suddenly Sado had a PU, he remembered the promise made to his grandfather and Ichigo (protect my friends, family,...,), his right arm was covered with a black and red armor. This armor allowed her to see her opponent and one shot the latter with a right. Then Sado collapses reassuring himself that Karin has nothing, she calls him a happy idiot, XD.
Then Chad and orihime go to the store of kisuke urahara with full of question that he thirty in their head. Urahara explains them the role of the Shinigami and the Hollow, then explains them the way in which they had their power. Chad and Orihime Inoue are very thoughtful once they are learned the news. When all of a sudden these 2 see Ichigo Kurosaki, and Uryu Ishida fighting against the hollow. From then on, they made a decision to protect the population.
Once the forced departure of Rukia Kuchiki, at the Soul Society, chad made a decision which is to go to save rukia. Yoruichi Shihōin a black cat presents herself to chad, ishida and orihime, she wants to take in charge the training of these 3 la. Ishida refuses, then the training begins. Once the training chad goes with yoruichi and orihime to the store of urahara, once arrived he finds urahara, ichigo and ishida. Urahara opens a Senkaimon, yoruichi guides the group to the soul society, along the way the group meets a kind of purple monster the kōtotsu, chad and the group start to run until they get kicked out of the senkaimon. Chad and the group land at the soul society
Discover the figure of ichigo kurosaki in Hollow mode |
Arc de la Soul Society
With Inoue Orihime, Uryu Ishida and Yoruichi, Chad accompanies Ichigo Kurosaki to the Soul Society to save Rukia Kuchiki.
During his intrusion in the Seireitei, he is confronted with the powerful captain of the 8th

Shunsui avoiding Chad's blow
Shunsui Kyōraku division.
Despite his power, Chad is defeated by Shunsui Kyōraku who is still surprised by Chad's spiritual power.
Arc des Bounts
Arc des Arrancars
Chad returns on earth with Ichigo, Inoue, Ishida and Yoruichi. When they arrive, Urahara greets them with his team and welcomes them. Urahara apologizes to them and Ichigo shows his badge of substitute shinigami to Chad. He says that the sign reminds him a bit of a ban. Then Chad is dropped off at his house by Urahara and Ichigo. The next day at school, he talks with Inoue and Ishida which surprises Keigo. Ichigo's badge rings and he asks to go to the bathroom. Chad and Inoue imitate him to help him. Arrived on the spot, Ichigo cuts the hollow and says to them that he did not need help for this kind of hollow. We see at this moment that a man was watching them.
One day, seeing with Inoue that Ichigo was not well because of Shinji
Hirako, they decide to go to speak to him directly to know more. They see Shinji being yelled at by a girl much smaller than him. Inoue asks what is going on between him and Ichigo and who they really are. The girl says "Hiyori Sarugaki" and asks Chad and Inoue to introduce themselves. Hiyori is jealous at the names of Chad and Inoue then decides to kill them but Shinji takes her with her and runs away. Inoue tries to pursue them but Chad dissuades her because they are too fast and powerful for them. Later, two arrancars arrive on earth. Chad and Inoue rush to the scene. Chad saves Tatsuki from Yammy's attack and is surprised by the power of a simple kick from him. He tries to attack her but Yammy rips his arm. Yammy tries to finish him but Inoue blocks him with his shield. Inoue throws Tsubaki but he is destroyed by Yammy. Ichigo then Urahara and Yoruichi arrive and save them but Ichigo is injured as well as Chad and Inoue that they are seriously injured.
Discover the figure of ichigo kurosaki in bankai mode |
Afterwards, Chad is in intensive care with Inoue's power. The arrancars arrive and Chad tries to rush into the battle. He barely has time to get out when an arrancar is about to kill him. Ichigo blocks the arrancar's hand and asks Chad to run away. Chad runs away, disappointed.
Then, he goes to ask Urahara to train him intensively. Urahara accepts with the help of Renji who will fight against him and Urahara who will supervise them. Inoue comes then to the request of Urahara to withdraw from the battlefield. Chad tries to convince Urahara but fails and Inoue leaves with a heavy heart.
We see Chad again at the training room of Urahara who was waiting for Ichigo with Ishida. Ichigo tells him not to come but Chad tries to hit him and makes collapse rocks around with the explosion. Chad says that companions are made to help what agreed Ichigo. Urahara opens the garganta and the three companions rush in.
New Captain's Bow, Shūsuke Amagai (off-series)
Arc of the Unknown Tale of the Zanpakutōs (Non-Series) lol
Lost Replacement Shinigami Bow
We see him later with the Fullbringers, where he explains to Ichigo Kurosaki that his Fullbring is his black skin color and helps Ichigo to find his lost powers of Shinigami. He will be corrupted by Tsukishima with Orihime Inoue, and will take Ichigo for a traitor. However, he will be saved by Kisuke Urahara.
Skills and Competencies
Chad acquired his power the day he saved Karin Kurosaki, one of Ichigo's younger sisters, from a Hollow while she was playing soccer. Thinking of his Abuelo (Grandfather) who once told him that he had a great power of protection in him, that he should save his friends and also think of saving himself, a red and black armature appears on his right arm, strengthening him and helping him to hit his enemies and even to kill the Hollows (Brazo derecha del gigante). Later, the same armature will appear on his left arm, but white and red this time (Brazo izquierda del diablo).

Brazo derecho del Gigante
Brazo Derecho del Gigante (巨人の右腕 (ブラソ・デレチャ・デ・ヒガンテ), 'Buraso Derecha de Higante'?) He has a power forming like a red and black armor on his right arm, giving him an incredible strength concentrated in that arm. He uses it to fight Shinigamis. Later in the story, his right arm transforms, and a shield appears on it. Then, Chad realizes that his right arm has more of a defensive strength (thanks to the appearance of the shield), and while fighting an Arrancar a change in the left arm appears, a new armature appears. This one is used for the attack and is of white and red color rather clear.
His right arm is called Brazo derecho del gigante ("right arm of the giant") while his left arm is Brazo izquierdo del diablo ("left arm of the devil"). He discovers the full extent of his power in Hueco Mundo, allowing him to defeat a Privaron Espada.
El Directo (巨人の一撃 (エル・ディレクト), 'Eru Direkuto'?, lit. "Giant's Strike") is an ability developed by Chad where he accumulates enough reiatsu to deliver a devastating blow.
Brazo Derecho del Gigante (巨人の右腕 (ブラソ・デレチャ・デ・ヒガンテ), 'Buraso Derecha de Higante'? ) this arm, unlike the right one, has the offensive function in the powers of Chad, it is similar to the right arm in its primitive form but thinner and white in color, this arm allows him to block and cancel attacks of considerable power (such as Gantenbein Mosqueda's release shot).
La Muerte (魔人の一撃 (ラ・ムエルテ), 'Ra Muerute'?, lit. "Demonic Strike") in which he concentrates all his power on his fingers and strikes with a powerful punch that destroys everything in its path, the energy released takes the shape of a skull.
Before leaving with Ichigo Kurosaki, Uryû Ishida, Orihime Inoue and Yoruichi Shihôin to the Soul Society to save Rukia Kuchiki, he trained, with Orihime, to control his power to fight in case of emergency. It is Kisuke Urahara who will help them to develop their powers.
Orihime Inoue
Inoue and Sado are friends thanks to the ordeals they had to face together with Ichigo and also thanks to the discovery of their respective powers because of Ichigo's too great spiritual power which "spilled over" on them.
Oscar Joaquín de la Rosa
It was his grandfather, Chad had a very good relationship with, as he called him "Abuelo".
Ichigo Kurosaki
He is her best friend as they protect each other. He helps her to send the parrot to Soul Society
Uryû Ishida
He also has a good relationship with him.

Difference between anime and manga
Sado's injuries from his first encounter with Yammy Riyalgo were toned down considerably in the anime. In the manga, his sword arm was literally ripped off and broke in two, while in the anime, his arm simply had several deep cuts.
Other appearances
- He appears on the cover of volume 5 "Rightarm of the giant".
- His theme song is "No Song Unheard", by The Hellacopters.
- Originally, Sado was not supposed to be Mexican, but due to his appearance, it was decided to be Mexican.
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