Kikyō ("Chinese Bellflower") was a shrine priestess who lived 50 years before the main events of the series. She was responsible for the purification of the Shikon Jewel and was Inuyasha's former lover. After being deceived and mortally wounded by the hanyō Naraku, Kikyō bound Inuyasha to the Sacred Tree with a sealing arrow and sacrificed her own life to prevent the Jewel from returning to the realm of the living. Shortly after the Jewel was returned to the feudal era, Kikyō was resurrected by the ogress demon Urasue. After learning the circumstances of his death, she decided to destroy Naraku and purge the Shikon Jewel from the world.
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Little has been revealed about Kikyō's childhood, apart from the fact that she was born in Japan during the feudal era. Her parents died some time after the birth of her younger sister Kaede . At some point in her youth, Kikyō decided to pursue a professional role as a priestess and looked after Kaede, who also trained to become a priestess. As part of their training, Kikyō and Kaede traveled the countryside and killed many demons. During their travels, Kikyō and Kaede met Tsubaki, a woman who would later become a black priestess, and would briefly fight demons together. When they parted, Tsubaki put a curse on Kikyō so that if she ever fell in love, she would inevitably die a violent death. While Kikyō was well aware of Tsubaki's priestess curse, she was unperturbed by it, believing that she would never fall in love.
Back in their village, one of the villagers revealed to Kikyō that a demon killer had come looking for her that morning. The demon slayer returned that night with his fellow killers and entrusted her with the task of purifying the Jewel of Four Souls , much to Tsubaki's dismay. After Kikyō took custody of the sacred jewel, she dedicated her life to guarding it and protecting it from evil humans and demons who sought it for their own selfish means. However, her duty as protector of the Jewel also meant that she could show no signs of weakness, lest demons or evil men take advantage of her, so she was unable to enjoy the ordinary pleasures of her youth (e.g. burning fragrant incense, coloring her lips and cheeks, etc.).
One night during a new moon, Kikyō unknowingly encountered Inuyashapeu some time after a fierce battle to protect the jewel. Shortly after fainting from exhaustion, she was helped by her sister and several villagers. She was happy that Inuyasha, who remained invisible, had not killed her. Eventually, Inuyasha made himself known to Kikyō and tried to steal the Shikon jewel. Kikyō sensed that Inuyasha was only a half-demon, deduced that he wanted the jewel to become a pure-blooded demon and finally decided to spare his life. Inuyasha noted that Kikyō stank of demon blood before parting, so she began cleansing herself daily to get rid of the smell. Later, Inuyasha made a second attempt on the sacred jewel and Kikyō easily overpowered him again, but not before learning his name. Kikyō, feeling a great sense of empathy towards Inuyasha,
After Inuyasha killed Mistress Centipede to save Kaede, Kikyō sensed that Mistress Centipede's corpse still contained demonic power and chose to place her remains in the Bone-Eater Well as a precaution. During their first non-violent encounter after Mistress Centipede's death, Kikyō thanked Inuyasha for saving Kaede's life and confided in him her personal feelings of loneliness and her similarities to Inuyasha. Inuyasha sympathized with her and asked Kikyō to see him again the next day to receive a gift. That night, Kikyō enchanted pearls to help him subdue Inuyasha to his whims and prevent him from doing more harm. They next day, after Inuyasha offered him the red shell of his deceased human mother. , Kikyō decided not to place the subjugation beads on him and instead claimed she had forgotten her gift and apologized. Around this time, she secretly took in and cared for Onigumo , a paralyzed bandit with burn scars all over his body. Believing that Inuyasha would overreact out of jealousy, Kikyō asked Kaede not to tell her about the wounded Onigumo's treatment.
Kikyō was then asked to slay a demon from another country and approached Inuyasha for help. The two succeeded in defeating this demon and then returned home. Kaede later revealed to Kikyō the disturbing things Onigumo had expressed about Kikyō during his mission with Inuyasha, but Kikyō took pity on him and brushed the incident aside. Some time after this, Tsubaki felt Kikyō's spiritual powers decline after she fell in love with Inuyasha and tried to steal the sacred jewel. However, Kikyō returned Tsubaki's curse and subsequently spared the life of a humiliated Tsubaki. Meanwhile, Onigumo met a spider demon who offered to fulfill his dreams of mobility, obtain the sacred jewel and reach the beautiful Kikyō herself. In accordance with the terms, Onigumo offered his body to a horde of demons, and thus, the shapeshifting demon Naraku was created
At some unknown time, Kikyō and Inuyasha sailed to an island that only appeared every fifty years. The couple encountered a band of half-demons but were attacked by the Shitōshin . During the battle, the demon Gōra used Kikyō's blood to create a doppelganger of her, without her knowledge, and Inuyasha received the mark of the four gods of war . With the island once again hidden and out of reach, Kikyō and Inuyasha decide to return home.
Eventually, Kikyō's village was attacked by a horde of demons sent by Naraku. With his spiritual powers weakened due to his love for Inuyasha, Kikyō failed to sense the collective demon aura and accidentally wounded Kaede during the battle, resulting in the permanent loss of his eye. After the battle, a guilt-ridden Kikyō suggested using the Shikon jewel to transform Inuyasha into a human, an offer Inuyasha accepted. Had this plan actually worked, it might have been possible for Kikyō to lead the life of an ordinary woman alongside Inuyasha, and for him to finally feel like he belonged as a human. She promised to deliver the Shikon jewel to Inuyasha on a certain day. However, Naraku desired a corrupted sacred jewel and wanted Kikyō to kill Inuyasha herself, so they resorted to manipulation to deflect their plan. Naraku disguised himself as Inuyasha and hit Kikyō, then attacked Inuyasha while disguised as Kikyō, pitting them against each other.
Thinking Inuyasha had betrayed her, Kikyō summoned the last ounce of her strength and spiritual power to stop Inuyasha, who attacked the village for the Shikon Jewel. However, unable to kill the man she loved with her sacred arrow, Kikyō instead shot a sealing arrow at Inuyasha to pin him to the Goshinboku , where Inuyasha remained asleep for fifty years. She then asked Kaede to burn her body with the Shikon jewel so that her immeasurable power would never again be used for evil. However, because Kikyō was full of bitter hatred for Inuyasha at the time of his death, the Shikon jewel was corrupted. Although, because of his love, Kikyō wished to see Inuyasha again and the Shikon jewel used this desire to return to the world of the living five centuries later through Kagome Higurashi , his modern-day reincarnation.
During the story
50 years later, an oni witch named Urasue who stole Kikyō's ashes and some of the earth from the cemetery to create a new artificial humanoid body for him from clay and bone. However, Urasue was troubled to discover that the body she created would not be fully animated without her mind and soul. She soon realized that this was because her spirit and soul had already been reincarnated in another body, and that Kagomel'soul, being Kikyō's reincarnation, was needed to fully animate Kikyō's clay body. When the lifeless body was imbued with Kagome's soul, Kikyō was revived, immediately turning on Urasue and burning her to death. Having yet to discover what had really happened fifty years earlier, her immediate priority was to kill Inuyasha. She almost succeeded in this task until Kagome's body began calling the soul back into her own body, effectively preventing Kikyō from achieving her goal. Kikyō did, however, manage to retain part of her soul and was thus able to escape into the mist, where she was pursued by Inuyasha. Shortly afterwards, Kikyō fell from a nearby cliff, presumed dead by the group.
Kikyō survived the fall and moved to a small village, tending the wounded and healing the sick. She was loved by the children and respected by the villagers. However, she was facing an inner struggle with what she had become, not a living woman, nor a dead person, but an undead. She wanted to live peacefully in the village, but was troubled by the idea that even such a simple existence could be forbidden. A curious monk sensed something abnormal about the resurrected priestess and set out to discover her true nature. He spotted her absorbing the souls of deceased women as a means of sustaining her clay body, using her soul collectors, the Shinidamachū. The moinea tried to rest his soul by attacking it with one of his spirit demons called the "demon binding spell", but Kikyō used his spirit power to blast the demon to pieces. The monk was killed by a piece of the demon striking him in the neck. Before dying, the monk asked Kikyō why she continued to wander this earth as the undead. He told her that time goes on for the living, but it doesn't for the dead, so the dead don't belong in such and such a place, and such an existence is tragic. As Kikyō pondered what the monk had said, she discovered that Sayo , a child who loved Kikyō dearly, had watched the whole scene and was now terrified of her. Saddened, Kikyō gave up living in the village and left, apologizing to Sayo for scaring her.
After leaving the village, Kikyō tried to spend the night alone in a forest, placing a barrieraround her so as not to be noticed. However, Kagome was able to break through Kikyō's barrier. Filled with jealousy of her living reincarnation, Kikyō paralyzed Kagome with her touch and tied her to a tree so that Inuyasha could neither see nor hear Kagome when she arrived. When Kagome tried to explain to Kikyō the true circumstances of her death, Kikyō dismissed her, claiming that it didn't matter who had caused her death, as it couldn't bring her back to life. A deceased person like her only wished to live again, which cannot be granted, so she wished instead not to be forgotten. This can be achieved by deepening bitterness, allowing the dead to live on in the hearts of the living. Before Kagome could convince Kikyō otherwise, Inuyasha arrived. Kikyō told Inuyasha he must despise her for collecting souls to drive his revenge, but Inuyasha told him he couldn't stop loving her, even if she hated him. Moved, Kikyō embraced him and professed her love in his arms. Feeling that Kikyō's body lacked warmth, Inuyasha realized that he couldn't help her and wished for time to stop, to which Kikyō responded by trying to take him with her to the Netherworld. However, Kagome was able to reach Inuyasha with her voice in time, and Inuyasha left Kikyō to free Kagome from the tree. Kikyō, heartbroken, asked if Kagome was more important to him than herself, and left with her soul collectors, telling Inuyasha not to forget that her feelings when they kissed were true. Then she visited Kaede and learned that Naraku was responsible for her death and separation from Inuyasha. Kikyō embraced her and professed her love in her arms. Feeling that Kikyō's body lacked warmth, Inuyasha realized that he couldn't help her and wished for time to stop, to which Kikyō responded by trying to take him with her to the Netherworld. However, Kagome was able to reach Inuyasha with her voice in time, and Inuyasha left Kikyō to free Kagome from the tree. Kikyō, heartbroken, asked if Kagome was more important to him than herself, and left with her soul collectors, telling Inuyasha not to forget that her feelings when they kissed were true. Then she visited Kaede and learned that Naraku was responsible for her death and separation from Inuyasha. Kikyō embraced her and professed her love in her arms. Feeling that Kikyō's body lacked warmth, Inuyasha realized that he couldn't help her and wished for time to stop, to which Kikyō responded by trying to take him with her to the Netherworld. However, Kagome was able to reach Inuyasha with her voice in time, and Inuyasha left Kikyō to free Kagome from the tree. Kikyō, heartbroken, asked if Kagome was more important to him than herself, and left with her soul collectors, telling Inuyasha not to forget that her feelings when they kissed were true. Afterwards, she visited Kaede and learned that Naraku was responsible for her death and separation from Inuyasha. to which Kikyō responded by trying to take her with her to the Netherworld. However, Kagome was able to reach Inuyasha with her voice in time, and Inuyasha left Kikyō to free Kagome from the tree. Kikyō, heartbroken, asked if Kagome was more important to him than herself, and left with her soul collectors, telling Inuyasha not to forget that her feelings when they kissed were true. Afterwards, she visited Kaede and learned that Naraku was responsible for her death and separation from Inuyasha. to which Kikyō responded by trying to take her with her to the Netherworld. However, Kagome was able to reach Inuyasha with her voice in time, and Inuyasha left Kikyō to free Kagome from the tree. Kikyō, heartbroken, asked if Kagome was more important to him than herself, and left with her soul collectors, telling Inuyasha not to forget that her feelings when they kissed were true. Afterwards, she visited Kaede and learned that Naraku was responsible for her death and separation from Inuyasha.
Kikyō then moved to a temple, healing soldiers' wounds. When men from the palace asked him to heal their master's illness, Kikyō reluctantly accompanied them to the palace, only to discover a dark aura surrounding the castle. Kikyō was disturbed to find that the castle master had already died from the neck down. It turned out that the castle master was the man who had once been called Onigumo before being born as Naraku. Kikyō tried to leave the palace, but couldn't and so Naraku erected a barrier that prevented his Shikigami from accessing it, rendering her powerless.
Under the assumption that he could control Kikyō, Naraku attached a corrupted fragment of the Shikon jewel to a soul and placed it in the priestess before sending it after Kagome. The corrupted fragment isn't enough to control Kikyō, however, and she destroys Naraku's golem . When Kagome arrives, she is overpowered by Kikyō's Shikigami. Kikyō tells Kagome that Naraku fears her and wishes to control Kikyō and force her to fight Kagome, but that she has not sunk so low that she, the guardian of the Jewel of Four Souls, would be controlled by a mere fragment. Kikyō then forcefully takes Kagome's jewel shardsand pushes her into a hole in the tree roots that reveals a person's darkest fears. Once Inuyasha arrives to save Kagome, she leaves, mocking Inuyasha because he couldn't fight a woman he still loved. Kikyō returns to Naraku Castle, breaking the barrier he had erected to keep Inuyasha away. She then mocks him, explaining that his little feats of minor sorcery don't work on her, and gladly hands over the shards she'd stolen to Kagome, mocking him further by saying that he needs the power of the jewel shards more than anyone else by virtue of being a half-demon. Kikyō, finally feeling the freedom she didn't have in her past life, declared that once Naraku obtained all the shards of Shikon's sacred jewel, she would purify him with the jewel and send his evil, corrupt spirit into the underworld. .
When Naraku confronted Kikyō again and threatened to kill her, she announced that he couldn't kill her, because Naraku still had Onigumo's heart, who loved him with all his wicked heart. Naraku sent a giant soul collectorto steal the souls Kikyō used to feed herself in order to kill her indirectly, but Kikyō managed to escape and Inuyasha found and saved her. When Kikyō told Inuyasha that Naraku still harbored feelings for her, a disgusted Inuyasha took her in his arms and told her that only he could love and protect her. Although Kikyō pretended to comply, she then brandished a knife at his neck and left after telling Inuyasha that she would use Naraku's weak spot to purify him and the Shikon jewel. Seeing Inuyasha calling him, Kikyō figured that the chain of fate (with Inuyasha) could not be joined since it had already been cut, implying that she could no longer return to him.
Later, Naraku made a second attempt to kill Kikyō by prematurely discarding his human heart, but stopped himself, realizing that he was much weaker without his human heart. Some time later, Naraku left for Mount Hakurei to strengthen himself and succeeded in both completely removing his human heart and becoming much stronger. He confronted Kikyō, and when she asked him what his true purpose was, he responded by wounding her in the chest, minimizing her inability to bleed, and pushing her into a river of his toxic miasma, presumably killing her .
Much later, villagers told Inuyasha's group about a mysterious person known as Saint Hijiri who was rumored to be extremely powerful. Inuyasha met her with two Shikigami who had human form: Kochō and Asuka, who told him that Kikyō had survived but her body was ravaged by miasma and her voice was lost. Kochō and Asuka helped Kikyō by taking Kagome to a waterfall, where Kikyō's badly wounded and weakened body lay submerged underwater. They told Kagome that she was the only one capable of saving Kikyō and declared that by rubbing some of the earth from Kikyō's grave over his wounds, she would succeed in saving Kikyō's life. Kagome agreed to perform this task and, in doing so, witnessed in a dream the events between Inuyasha and Kikyō fifty years before. She fainted during the process of purifying the wounds Naraku had inflicted on Kikyō, but apparently saved Kikyō by temporarily purifying the wounds in Kikyō's chest. Recovering, Kikyō asked Kochō and Asuka to bring her Inuyasha, giving her an arrow covered inThe earth of Onigumo's cave to use against Naraku. She would later be forced to create a mayor spell to kill demon rats released by Hakudōshi to hunt her for Naraku once he realized she had survived the attack on Mount Hakurei.
Kikyō gave her shikigami a lock of her hair to find Naraku's heart; they almost succeeded, only for Kohaku to destroy them before they could reach the Child. She saw that his heart was hers, but followed Naraku's orders. Questioning her, Kikyō came face to face with Naraku, whom she hadn't felt approaching thanks to the Fuyōheki . She was nearly beheaded by Kohaku on Naraku's orders, but Inuyasha's arrival forced him to retreat. She and Inuyasha exchanged information about Naraku, and she set off to find the child. She stumbled upon it and Kanna, realizing that the Fuyōheki was the blue stone held by the Child. However, Mōryōmaru attacked her and left with her targets. Kikyō would later find Mōryōmaru, as he tried to take Kōga's shards (in the anime), firing an arrow that cut his lower body. When the demon took off, Kikyō noticed two things: Mōryōmaru seemed to have a soul now, and that it was exhausted after firing a single arrow. This meant that something was wrong. At night, she was stunned to see two novice monks crossing the barrier she had mentioned during her convalescence. She collapsed, realizing she didn't have much time.
In truth, Kagome's powers of purification proved insufficient and Kikyō's wounds reopened. This prompted Kikyō to fuse the soul of Midoriko , the all-powerful priestess who created the sacred jewel Shikon, into her own body to close her wounds and hold back the miasma until she could defeat Naraku before she died. Inuyasha arrived to see Kikyō's chest wounds healing very quickly, and she explained to him that since Midoriko was also a priestess who had died fighting yōkai, she would understand Kikyō's desire to defeat Naraku. She also told Inuyasha that Naraku could not be killed with the Tessaiga; the only way to completely destroy Naraku was to purify both his soul and the Shikon jewel the instant Naraku completed the entire jewel. Kohaku, arriving on the scene by Midoriko's will, heard what Kikyō told Inuyasha and decided to follow Kikyō in order to help Kikyō's plan to defeat Naraku. She left quickly, saying she had no time to hesitate, leaving Inuyasha to think that Kikyō's plan involved removing Kohaku's vital shard, and that Kikyō couldn't possibly be capable of doing such a thing.
Kohaku then offered Kikyō his shard to use against Naraku, and Kikyō allowed him to travel alongside her, but wished to herself that they had met on different terms so that she could nourish his battered soul and encourage him to live. Traveling with Kohaku, she kept the Shikon Shard in Kohaku's neck extremely pure, making it untouchable for Naraku. On her journey, she rescued Kōga and asked him to hand over his shards, telling him of her plan to purify the Shikon jewel once it was complete, but Kōga refused. Later, she met Sango and Kagome, who begged Kikyō not to take Kohaku's life and to trust Inuyasha, who was continually working to strengthen his demon sword inherited from his late dog-demon defeat Naraku for her.
Naraku tried to capture her in cobwebs, resorting to capturing an innocent child to force Kikyō to touch them. She sent Kohaku away with her shikigami to prevent Naraku's contamination from tainting her shine. She attempted to purify the canvases, but found herself unable to do so while being shown the day she died several times. Meanwhile, Miroku and Inuyasha fought Naraku, during which Miroku opened his blower and sucked in a huge amount of miasma. Miroku was close to death, but Kikyō saved him by absorbing and purifying the miasma in his body, although this considerably worsened the condition of his own body.
Kikyō and Kohaku encountered Naraku's spider webs during their travels together. He used these spider webs to infect and weaken Kikyō. However, Kikyō had already realized Naraku's plan and remained under her own incredibly strong and powerful spiritual barrier. However, she became contaminated when she tried to save a child from the webs. She summoned her Shikigami Kochō and Asuka to place a barrier over Kohaku to protect him from Naraku's reach, however, due to being entangled in Naraku's cobwebs, she became tainted and the barrier over Kohaku was broken by one of Naraku's. incarnations, Byakuya and Kochō and Asuka was destroyed by Byakuya. She told Kagome, who had also been defiled by Naraku's webs,arc along sacred Mount Azusa , but only if it was really what she wished. Kagome traveled to Mount Azusa, where she was tested by an illusion cast upon her by the Guardian Spirit of the sacred mountain. After passing the test, Kagome and Inuyasha returned to find that Naraku had already captured Kikyō.
The close link between Kagome and Kikyō was demonstrated when Kagome managed to tell Kikyō's thoughts by shooting him with the longbow and arrow she had obtained from Mount Azusa at just the right moment. Kikyō, drawn by the sacred longbow from Mount Azusa, fired the sacred arrow from her own body at Naraku. The jewel was purified before entering Naraku's body, but Naraku prevailed against Kikyō's powers and managed to contaminate the Shikon jewel, rendering Kikyō completely helpless and on the verge of death.
Although Naraku declared his victory and Kikyō's defeat, Kikyō told himself that Naraku would find out after his death as she had left a purifying sliver of light in the Shikon jewel. As Kagome complained that her powers were insufficient to save Kikyō, Kikyō told Kagome in her mind that she was capable of saving his soul.
The wounds Kikyō suffered saving Miroku from Naraku's miasma spread, and she remained in Inuyasha's arms until nightfall. They talked about their past and how Naraku had poisoned their love for each other. Then she saw something she'd never seen before: Inuyasha was crying. Inuyasha told Kikyō that she was the first person he had ever loved or cared for, making him feel bad that he couldn't save her. However, Kikyō tells him that the fact that he came is all that matters. They share one last kiss before she dies as she transforms into a sphere of luminous light.
The grain of purity that Kikyō had left in Shikon's tainted jewel remained after his death and this prevented Naraku from removing the last shard from Kohaku's neck, until Magatsuhil tainted him and sealed Kagome's spiritual powers, preventing her from purifying him again. He was possessed by this demon and left to give Naraku the final shine, waiting to be forced to relive his painful past through an illusion in his sleep. In this illusion, one of Kikyō's soul collectors leads Kohaku out of his past, to his sister, who asks for his help and encourages him. He was successfully taken out of this illusion and freed from Magatsuhi's possession, and Kohaku gained the strength to stop running from his past and continue living. However, after a struggle with Naraku, Kohaku has his shard removed, killing him. Naraku mocks Inuyasha's inability to prevent the deaths of Kikyō and Kohaku, and Sango holds him back in tears. If Naraku had absorbed the completed Shikon jewel, Kikyō's light would have purified him and killed Naraku. However, Kikyō decides to leave the task of defeating Naraku to the Inuyasha group and transfers his grain of purity from the completed Shikon jewel to Kohaku, so that he can live.
Hanyo no Yashahime
Inuyasha and Miroku learned from Kaede that Ne no Kubi had been sealed by Kikyō herself after finding one of her arrows where it had first been sealed under a temple, moments before meeting Inuyasha . Sometimes, her form and voice are borrowed by the sleeping vital essence of the mighty Sacred Tree of Ages itself as a means of communication.
Months later, Kohaku had told Towa how, like his father Sesshomaru, Kikyo was unassailable and never backed down from anything.
Physical description
Kikyō was a beautiful, pale-skinned woman with long black hair that was often tied back in a loose low ponytail by a white ribbon with bangs hanging over her forehead and brown eyes. She was 169 cm (5'6") tall, making her one centimeter taller than Inuyasha. She originally had an ordinary human body, but after her resurrection, her body was composed of a mixture of clay and her own grave and cremated bones. Visually, however, her undead body was identical to her old one, except that she didn't bleed when wounded.
Kikyō wore the traditional dress of a miko, which has remained essentially unchanged to this day, except for the absence of a split shoulder seam. Kikyō wore a white hakui (dress) with red sode-kukuri (cords) through the sleeves and open shoulders (similar to those of Inuyasha and Jaken ). Strings called muna-himo were attached to each lapel and tied in front to keep the garment closed. The Kikyō kosode would closely resemble a modern Kendo or NaginataKeikogi, with the sleeve fitted much like a modern loose shirt and extending slightly beyond the wrist. The slits in the side of her hakama and the openings in the sleeves and shoulders of her hitoe (jacket) showed the white kosode she wore. It was a deliberate fashion statement. Kikyō wore a bright red nagabakama (a very long hakama), which included the small plank in the lower back. Like most of the other characters, she was also perpetually barefoot throughout the series, but this changed in the anime where Kikyō wore common tabi (socks) and straw sandals. Kikyō sported a red obi, or belt, over all her other clothes.
Powers and capabilities
- Immense Spiritual Power: Kikyō is a highly respected priestess with innate spiritual powers. Kikyō has received formal training as a priestess, and the average demon is no match for her. Her sister Kaede even noted that Kikyō is exceptionally powerful, even for a priestess. Her spiritual powers were so great that the demon slayers entrusted Kikyō with the task of guarding and purifying the Shikon jewel . Thanks to her vast spiritual powers, she is able to perform several powerful mystical spells or enchantments (for example, the high-level mayose spell). Kikyō can also combine fragments of the sacred jewel through prayer. Even after her rebirth, Kikyō retained her immense spiritual powers and, in death, her power enabled Kohaku to survive the removal of his piece of the Shikon jewel.
- Spiritual barrier: Kikyō can concentrate her spiritual power into energy shields or screens. Under a barrier, she creates zones into which neither humans nor demons can penetrate. When a human makes a barrier, even an ascetic monk has to concentrate hard, but in Kikyō's case, she can maintain a barrier in her sleep. Until Kikyō obtains Midoriko's soul, this makes her barrier even stronger, preventing Kagome from crossing it.
- Time Barrier: This strong ability was only unconsciously used by the possessions of his modern-era teenage reincarnation in the film Castle Beyond the Looking Glass to save Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kohaku from succumbing to the Mirror of Life's legendary time-stopping. ability. This is what prompted the demon disguised as a tennyo to devour Kagome, so that she would acquire one of these spiritual abilities.
- Spiritual Immobilization: Kikyō is able to seal the will, words and actions of others with her spiritual power. When she paralyzes someone, she can also make them invisible to everyone but herself. Kikyō sealed Kagome's move by simply touching her forehead lightly with her fingers.
- Spiritual reflection: if her opponent was less powerful than her, Kikyō could attack without using her own spiritual power and instead return her enemy's released spiritual power. Kikyō has successfully returned curses and spells to Tsubaki , who unleashed a shikigami snake on Kikyō, and an ascetic monk named Seikai , who attempted to seal her with a "demonic binding spell".
- Purification abilities : As a trained priestess, Kikyō can use her spiritual powers to send the evil or unsaved to heaven, and purify malevolent forces (e.g. demonic energies or miasma ). She can even concentrate these purifying effects with tools (i.e. arrows). Although impregnated with a contaminated shard of the Shikon jewel by Naraku, Kikyō did not fall prey to its negative influence and was able to purify the shard with ease. Her purifying powers are such that the purifying light she imbued in Kohaku's Shikon Jewel shard was still effective enough to threaten Naraku even after his death. However, Magatsuhi , the evil force within the Shikon Jewel, was able to overcome this purification and corrupt Kohaku's shard.
- Shikigami creation: Kikyō can create human-like Shikigami to perform various tasks for her; her most-used Shikigami were called Kochō and Asuka . Another Shikigami Kikyō had created was called Saint Hijiri and was specifically empowered by her spiritual energies. She used Hijiri as a distraction so she could take time to fully recover from the miasma-filled wounds Naraku had inflicted on her at Mount Hakurei. Kochō and Asuka originally stayed by Hijiri's side, but after Kagura destroyed St. Hijiri , they continued to help Kikyō directly.
- Spiritual awareness: the result of her innate spiritual powers and training as a priestess, Kikyō can visually sense the presence of humans or demons, and distinguish between the divine and the demonic. She can also see through auras and demonic barriers, as well as perceive or sense the presence of shards of the Shikon jewel.
- Above-average stamina: Despite being mortally wounded by Naraku disguised as Inuyasha, Kikyō was able to muster the strength to seal Inuyasha before finally dying despite having to travel a considerable distance with her wounds open and bleeding profusely.
- Master archer and markswoman: Revered as a master archer by Inuyasha, Kikyō excels in the use of a bow and arrow. Due to her great marksmanship, she is able to fire multiple arrows in rapid succession, hitting an enemy's weak points with extreme precision and striking directly at small targets at great distances, even accurately piercing Inuyasha near the heart with a single arrow, though mortally wounded. and him moving at great speed through the air. Kikyō was able to teach his younger sister, Kaede, the skill of archery that led her to become a powerful priestess and archer herself.
Skilled healer: Kikyō is an extremely skilled and experienced healer, with an in-depth knowledge of medicinal herbs. Using her spiritual powers to drive away underworld carriers or demons, she can further protect the lives of the sick or injured by using her medical knowledge (just like Tenseiga ).
High intelligence: extremely perceptive, Kikyō can see through enemies' objectives and calmly analyze their positions or situations. She also possesses a wealth of knowledge.
Having had strong spiritual power in life, Kikyō was revived by the necromantic arts of the yōkai witch Urasue . After his resurrection, Kikyō's body is made of his own bones, which retain their spiritual power, and the soil of his grave. Kikyō has since had access to a number of other supernatural powers after her rebirth, while retaining her priestess skills and spiritual powers.
- Immortality: After being resurrected by Urasue, Kikyō acquired a caliber of immortality. As she was the specter of a deceased human, Kikyō was immune to natural death (e.g. aging, disease, mundane poisons and other ordinary deaths for humans) as long as she maintained her clay body with the souls of the dead. For example, after being resurrected by Urasue, Kikyō returned to her wounded state but was still able to put up a considerable fight against Inuyasha despite the profuse "bleeding" from her open wounds. Kikyō also survived a fall from a great height.
- Shinidamachū command: Kikyō can summon and command snake-like demons at will, using them to help maintain her clay body. In particular, she obtains information about the dead and asks the shinidamachū to deprive them of their souls before they ascend to heaven. Apparently, the dead souls of wretched women are particularly easier for her to absorb. Kikyō can also use these creatures to entrap others and gain information.
- Flight: By allowing her soul collectors to envelop her and carry her through the air, Kikyō can perform a form of flight.
- Puppetry / Mind Control: Kikyō's soul collectors can steal the souls of the living, making them her mindless slave.
- Barrier against Naraku: Kikyō put some of the earth from Onigumo's cave, which was saturated with the bandit's feelings for her, into her body. Acting as an earth barrier, this served to nullify Naraku's demonic power by inducing a rise in Onigumo's feelings. Thus, while Onigumo's heart still remained inside Naraku, he could not harm her freely without also being negatively affected.
- Teleportation: Kikyō has, on several occasions, suddenly appeared or disappeared from the scene. Whether this is an illusion or the result of his erection and the dissipation of his barrier is unknown.
- Psychic link: Kikyō and Kagome seemed to have the ability to communicate telepathically towards the end of Kikyō's life. They first spoke mentally when Kagome was about to shoot her sacred arrow at a corrupted sacred jewel and again when Kikyō was dying in Inuyasha's arms.
Sacred arrows: Kikyō can charge arrows with his spiritual powers, enabling the arrows to pulverize enemies, penetrate barriers, break spells and purify objects such as the Shikon Jewel. The effectiveness of his sacred arrows varies according to his emotional state, but sometimes his spiritual power becomes such that he can destroy buildings. Even if they only graze his enemies, his sacred arrows can still cause considerable damage. Kikyō can control the extent of his spiritual power at will and is able to seal enemies without exterminating them; for example, by simply nailing his target to a tree. This type of sacred arrow is called the "Sealing Arrow" and places a demon under an eternal sleep spell. According to Kikyō, these arrows are intended to seal demons that are otherwise invincible. If a demon is sealed on the Tree of Ages, the demon's body remains perfectly intact and preserved. They will only awaken when the person who fired the arrow desperately wishes the demon to be resurrected.
- Sacred Wind Scar: In The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass , this attack is a combination of Inuyasha's Wind Scar and Kikyō's Scared arrow, which consists of Kikyō firing a sacred arrow, followed by Inuyasha's Wind Scar as she helped Inuyasha defeat Orochi .
- Reflection: By charging her bow with spiritual power, Kikyō can send a weaker opponent's spiritual power back at her. She used her bow to return Tsubaki's freed shikigami snake and damaged Tsubaki's face, leaving a spiritual scar.
Sacred arrows: Kikyō can charge arrows with his spiritual powers, enabling the arrows to pulverize enemies, penetrate barriers, break spells and purify objects such as the Shikon Jewel. The effectiveness of his sacred arrows varies according to his emotional state, but sometimes his spiritual power becomes such that he can destroy buildings. Even if they only graze his enemies, his sacred arrows can still cause considerable damage. Kikyō can control the extent of his spiritual power at will and is able to seal enemies without exterminating them; for example, by simply nailing his target to a tree. This type of sacred arrow is called the "Sealing Arrow" and places a demon under an eternal sleep spell. According to Kikyō, these arrows are intended to seal demons that are otherwise invincible. If a demon is sealed on the Tree of Ages, the demon's body remains perfectly intact and preserved. They will only awaken when the person who fired the arrow desperately wishes the demon to be resurrected.
- Knife: Kikyō hid a knife on her at least once. When Inuyasha kissed Kikyō, she pulled a knife from her sleeve to threaten him.
- Emotions: According to Tsubaki, when a priestess abandons all human emotion (e.g. love), her true power emerges. Kikyō's spiritual powers apparently weakened after she fell in love with Inuyasha .
- Mortality: Despite her spiritual powers, Kikyō was still human and shared many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. age, blood loss, decapitation, illness, heart failure, suffocation, broken neck, etc.). In fact, it was a mortal wound inflicted by Naraku himself that led to his death.
- Overwork: as both Kaede and Tsukiyomi illustrate, overuse of one's spiritual powers can exhaust them to the point where further use strains one's physical well-being; the only way to restore one's waning powers is through a prolonged period of rest. Although Kikyō possessed immense spiritual power, she too could suffer the effects of overwork, as we saw when she became the guardian of the Sacred Jewel.
- Spiritual powers: Although she herself had great spiritual power, Kikyō was always sensitive to the effects of spiritual power. For example, Kikyō was cursed by Tsubaki.
Romantic interests- Inuyasha
Kikyō and Inuyasha met when she began guarding the jewel. At first, they fought, but in time, they fell in love with each other. She wasn't afraid to admit to herself how she felt about him, and just after a few interactions, was going to trick him into wearing the Pearls of Subjugation; specifically, she planned for his keyword to be "itoshii" (愛 し い), meaning "beloved".
Wanting to be a normal human, Kikyō asked Inuyasha if he would use the Shikon jewel to become a human and be with her. Naraku then took action by having Inuyasha and Kikyō turn to another end, with Inuyasha sealed to the Tree of Ages and Kikyō's death. However, Inuyasha and Kikyō would meet again after the demon Urasue brought Kikyō back to life and the seal on Inuyasha was broken by his modern reincarnation, Kagome. All Kikyō wanted in the end was to live with Inuyasha as a normal woman, but in the end she was once again killed by Naraku. However, after a long period of suffering, she said her soul had been saved by Kagome, so she shared one last kiss with Inuyasha and died in his arms. Although she died, her light saved Kohaku instead of destroying Naraku after his death. Inuyasha suffered from broken-hearted depression when he lost Kikyō, as he wanted to protect her forever; he had been suffering from self-inflicted insomnia for some time because he didn't want to constantly see Kikyo in his dreams, which he found too painful.
- Kagome Higurashi
Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyō, although their personalities are very different. While Kikyō has a vengeful, suspicious and stoic personality, Kagome has a kind, cheerful, forgiving and open personality. At first, Kagome's body is used by a witch to revive Kikyō. However, shortly after Kikyō's reanimation, Kagome begins to recall her soul. Kikyō eventually escapes the scene with a small fragment of his soul intact. Early in the series, Kikyō has a confrontation with Kagome. Kikyō tried to kill Kagome (which she later tells Inuyasha). Both care about and are in love with Inuyasha and many times they have worked together, helped each other and both saved each other many times throughout the series. Kagome and Kikyō are jealous of each other because both share a special bond with Inuyasha,
Just before Kikyō's death, Kikyō gives Kagome her own bow and wishes Kagome good luck, asking her not to cry as Inuyasha kidnaps her. Kikyō also entrusts Kagome with the duty of destroying Naraku and the jewel, as well as keeping the "light" in Kohaku's glow. Unable to save Kikyō from the wounds of Naraku's spiderweb, Kagome sheds tears and wishes she could have done more to save her; Kikyō consoles her that she has succeeded in purifying her soul, ensuring a peaceful afterlife. Kikyō also thinks highly of Kagome, telling Tsubaki that her curse would not affect Kagome or interfere with Tsubaki's attempt to kill Kagome, apparently wanting her to become stronger from the experience.
- Kohaku
Kohaku was found later that year by Kikyō, who took pity on the boy. During his journey, Kikyō would try to purify Kohaku. In the final season, Kohaku would be Kikyō's traveling companion after being freed from Naraku's corruption. Kohaku, believing that his shard would help destroy Naraku, decides to sacrifice his shard and dies. As his final act of compassion for Kohaku, Kikyō removed his spirit and power from the now contaminated Shikon jewel and used it instead to resurrect Kohaku.
- Koga
The two have a brief relationship with each other. The two would meet just before Moryōmaru fought Naraku, and detecting that Kōga is in possession of two of the three remaining jewel shards, Kikyō warns him not to run recklessly after Naraku or his incarnations, lest the shards end up in Naraku's skin. hands. Unlike Inuyasha, Kōga was not at all interested in Kikyō and even began to dislike her when she tried to force him to give up his jewel shards. He was present when Naraku grabbed her to prevent her from having the miasma in her purified by Kagome and during her final moments.
- Suikotsu
Kikyō met Suikotsu while caring for orphaned children living in a village near Mount Hakurei . Kikyō immediately knew that Suikotsu was a dead man whose life was sustained by a Shikon Jewel shard, but was intrigued by the purity of his shard. Nevertheless, Kikyō stayed with the children and cared for them alongside Suikotsu for some time, until he was taken over by the other Shichinintai , and his darker, perverse nature came to the fore. Later, while Suikotsu was fighting Sesshōmaru at Mount Hakurei, Kikyō shot a sacred arrow into Suikotsu's neck, which purified his jeweled luster. Suikotsu asked Kikyō to remove the fragment, but before she could, Jakotsu violently ripped the shard from his neck with his sword, causing Suikotsu's death.
Family- Kaede
Kikyō loved his younger sister Kaede. The two were very close during the time Kikyō was alive. Shortly before his death, Kikyō accidentally shot a demon near Kaede and part of the demon flew at Kaede, blinding him in one eye. At the time of Kikyō's resurrection, Kikyō could not recognize Kaede since fifty years had passed since his disappearance, but Kikyō visited Kaede from time to time. Upon Kikyō's final death, Kikyō's soul visited Kaede and offered her final apologies and farewells, showing her great love for her younger sister.
Enemies- Naraku
Naraku is the man who led Kikyō to betray Inuyasha. While Kikyō harbors an obvious hatred and disgust for him, Naraku is a mixture of hatred and love for Kikyō because of his human heart, which once belonged to a bandit named Onigumo. Onigumo had once been in love with Kikyō when she cared for him out of pity. Throughout the series, Kikyō and Naraku interact on several occasions. At one point, Kikyō gives shards of sacred jewels to Naraku. It is misunderstood at the time that Kikyō had formed an alliance with Naraku, but in truth, she had planned to purify the Shikon jewel with Naraku once it was complete. Naraku also attempts to kill Kikyō on several occasions, as she is one of his greatest weaknesses, ultimately succeeding. At the end of the series,
- Tsubaki
Tsubaki despised Kikyō and considered her his rival; this hatred and rivalry seemed one-sided, as Kikyō never showed any outward hostility towards Tsubaki. Tsubaki was also extremely jealous that Kikyō was the one chosen to protect the Shikon jewel in his place. Tsubaki eventually put a curse on Kikyō, telling her that a priestess's true power manifests once she abandons all human emotions, although it's natural for a woman to fall in love. Kikyō knew that Tsubaki had put a curse on her and believed that if she ever fell in love, she would die a violent death, which, as it turned out, was the fate that befell Kikyō.
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