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Ai Haibara

Ai Haibara | Black Org

According to Agasa, "Ai Haibara" comes from Cordelia Gray (kanji 灰 means "ashes") and VI Warshawski (wikipedia eng) ("VI" reversed in phonetic English is pronounced "Ai"). Although Agasa suggested she use the kanji 爱 ("love") for "Ai", she prefers to use the kanji 哀 ("pain").

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The end of Shiho Miyano

When her elder sister, Akemi Miyano, is shot dead by Gin despite having successfully completed the mission entrusted to her by the Organization, Shiho, who was already at odds with the group on certain points, ceases all activity in protest, demanding explanations. With no other way out, the young scientist ingested a capsule of APTX 4869 that she had managed to conceal, with the intention of committing suicide.

But instead of dying, she suffers the side-effects of the drug and, like Shinichi Kudo, shrinks, becoming around ten years younger. With her childlike body and weakened physique, she managed to escape through a vent in the room where she was imprisoned, and escaped the Organization. Wandering the streets, she reaches Shinichi's house, having deduced that he too had survived the Apotoxin, and ends up collapsing, exhausted, in the rain, in front of the high-school detective's house; she is then taken in by Agasa, who happened to be passing by, and from then on shelters her in his home.

Ai Haibara

With Agasa's help, Shiho creates a new identity for herself: that of Ai Haibara. As Shinichi does, she returns to elementary school, enrolling at Teitan Primary School like any other child of that age. By chance (or not?), she is assigned to the same class as Conan and the Junior Detectives. As soon as she joins Conan and the others, she becomes involved in an investigation into the disappearance of the older brother of a boy at school; at the end of this investigation, after miming crying so that Conan will take her "home", she reveals her true personality to him, in a cruel way nonetheless, as she begins by letting him know that she was Sherry, has discovered that he has shrunk, and announces that Agasa is no longer of this world: it takes the professor's explanations to calm Conan, who is very worried by Ai's bad joke. Conan then gets angry, throwing his disdain in her face, criticizing her for having created the poison APTX 4869, but eventually calms down and reasons enough to accept that she stays with Agasa - nevertheless advising the professor to remain wary of her, fearing that she's playing a double game.

With time and business, Ai becomes increasingly integrated into the Teitan school and the Junior Detectives: initially cynical, cold and aloof, she gradually becomes playful and protective, even if she remains "very mature" in the words of some of her classmates and the adults around her. She even comes to regard Conan and the Junior Detectives as close friends, and can be affectionate and maternal with Agasa - especially when he's asleep...

Nevertheless, Ai doesn't completely break with her past. In order to regain her original size - or at least to enable Conan to regain his original size, as she herself has no real reason to do so, all her family having died and no one else close to her in her adult life - she starts work on an antidote to APTX 4869, a long and delicate job, as although she is the creator, she cannot remember the whole formula, and Conan has still not been able to bring her a sample of the original poison.

In addition, the Organization continues to hunt down Ai. Vermouth had almost managed to get hold of her (file 434, episode 345), but Conan managed to defeat her and got her to promise not to attack Ai again. Nevertheless, the "Boss's favorite" can't be satisfied with Ai staying alive, and, considering for her part that she's not breaking her promise "not to kill the girl", she nevertheless helps Bourbon track her down: the Organization's "detective" having discovered at the Mouri Agency a video taken by Mitsuhiko in which Shiho appears (Ai having been forced to regain her adult size to save the children - file 817, episode 700), he locates her in the "Mystery Train" and organizes a mousetrap there with Vermouth. The former actress then calculates that Ai will have to take the antidote to die in her adult form in order to keep the Junior Detectives and third parties out of the Organization, and that Bourbon won't discover the side effects of APTX 4869, which she seems intent on hiding even from her Organization allies. However, the defense plan put in place by Conan, with the help of his mother, Subaru Okiya and Kaito Kid, allows Bourbon to believe that Sherry is dead, killed in the explosion of a wagon full of explosives. Vermouth, who discovers immediately afterwards that Ai has survived, keeps his mouth shut and confirms Bourbon's version, again in order to keep the poison secret: from then on, Sherry is off the Organization's hit list.

Few people know Ai Haibara's true identity. This is obviously true of Conan and Agasa, as well as their closest allies Yukiko and Yusaku Kudo, and Heiji Hattori. It's also the case with Vermouth (who already knew Conan was Shinichi, and had been able to deduce the same from Ai), who didn't betray her, and the Organization's deceased agents, Pisco and Calvados; but Pisco, who had seen Shiho when she was younger and had checked the Organization's files before abducting Ai, is killed by Gin before he has time to reveal the fugitive's true appearance; as for Calvados, who at least heard Vermouth call the little girl "Sherry", he commits suicide without having been able to communicate with another agent. This is also the case for Shuichi Akai, who knows that she is Sherry and his ex-girlfriend's little sister, but doesn't seem to have revealed this to the FBI; and Subaru Okiya, who calls her "princess", claims to intend to defend her, and will evoke her sister and their resemblance in front of her (episode 703). Finally, it's possible, though not proven, that this is the case for Jodie Starling and James Black (who know that Vermouth called her "Sherry", but seem unaware of her real name), and Masumi Sera, who seems to have researched "Ai Haibara", asked Ran and Sonoko about her, seeks to meet her (episodes 648 and 675), takes a close interest in her (episode 701), and seems to identify Shiho Miyano on a video (episode 700).


Like, it seems, her adult self, Ai is sarcastic, cold, suspicious, negativistic and disillusioned with human nature. Often acting in an adult manner despite her infantile appearance, she has unwittingly led the Junior Detectives (and probably a number of her fellow students at the Teitan school) to label her "cool"; this mature side is also visible in her adult entourage, with Ran and Sonoko remarking to Sera that she "looks like an asocial woman who's gotten younger" (episode 675). She makes no real secret of this, even in front of the police (episode 683), despite her reproaches to Conan that they should "keep a low profile and hide their true identities".

Despite this blasé, aloof attitude, she can be very kind and caring, especially to Ayumi, to whom she is protective, and to the animals, the only creatures that really seem to find favor in her eyes. Her maturity is also due to her very calm attitude, which she adopts perhaps out of caution towards the Organization. In fact, she regards Conan, the Junior Detectives and Professor Agasa as the first real friends she has ever had, and is prepared to die for them, as her actions and reflections repeatedly prove, especially when she fears or is about to be discovered by the Organization (e.g. file 289, episode 231).

Lonely and also melancholy, Ai is surely so because of the death of her older sister: the last living member of her family, the last relative left before she became Haibara, she had great affection for her elder sister; in Film 5: Countdown to Heaven, she even telephones an apartment secretly rented by her sister, with the sole aim of hearing her sister's voice on the answering machine and being able to talk to her as if she were still alive.

Her greatest fear remains being discovered by the Organization, and especially by Gin or Vermouth, whom she seems to fear more than any other member. With this in mind, she tries to prevent Conan from showing too much of his true self, even if she is surprised every time that her "teammate's" reckless actions enable him to recover some or all of the information he wanted without revealing their identities. Nevertheless, she maintains a vigilant control in this respect, and is thus the person who systematically prevents Conan from revealing his true identity to Ran (whether by accident or on purpose).

Finally, she remains very secretive, rarely discussing, even with Conan or Agasa, her past and her family, even on matters not directly related to the Organization.

Special tastes

Whenever she accompanies the Junior Detectives to a soccer match, she doesn't wear Tokyo Spirits emblems like them, but those of Big Osaka, black and red; in particular, she has been a great fan of the player Ryusuke Higo ever since he left Noir Tokyo, a "black organization", for Big Osaka, and was for a while an outcast, like herself (files 344-346, episodes 279-280) - note that, like her favorite player, she eventually integrated well into his new team. and is a driving force behind it.

In OAV 11: A Secret Order from London, she reveals to Ayumi that she's loved peanut butter and blueberry jam sandwiches, ever since her school days in the States. Agasa, however, looked at her with "puppy dog eyes" every time she ate one, so she was forced to give it up, only to discover that the teacher had been secretly ordering these ingredients to make his own sandwiches, overriding Ai's instructions about her diet.

Ai Haibara (Détective Conan) | Anime et Manga Amino

Ai also seems to have a pronounced taste for fashion, which seems to be the element that most shows the feminine side of her personality (as a caricature of a woman). Thus, when those around her ask her for a favor, she often demands a fashion accessory, such as a handbag, in return: in episode 375, when Conan asks for her help in convicting a criminal, she goes so far as to demand that he buy her a "Fusae" brand wallet in exchange, despite the urgency of their situation, only feigning pain after Conan agrees. She sometimes reads the magazine "ComCom", whose name is similar to the Japanese fashion magazine "CamCam". In the Mystery Train case, she was identified with a "Prada" brand cell phone case. Finally, in OAV 11, the Junior Detectives suspect her of being a child star who has left public life, both because of her knowledge of fashion and make-up and her resemblance to a young Japanese-American star.

It's worth noting that Ai, suffering particularly from static electricity shocks (episodes 524 and 525), could be in a particularly bad mood when suffering from them, and no longer had her medication to preserve herself from them; since then, she seems to be following Conan's advice to avoid these shocks, and is faring much better. It seems that her type of man is Higo's type, and that she even has amorous feelings towards him (file 925), judging by the look of disappointment on her face when she learns of his relationship with Yoko, and the blush on her face when Higo thanks her.

Links with other protagonists

While most people use the respectful suffix "-san" to address her, a few, because of her agreement (Ayumi, episode 330) or a particular relationship (Ran, who is very affectionate towards Ai), use the suffix "-chan". Note also that Shinichi/Conan addresses her without the suffix, and that Agasa, like Ran or Ayumi, adds the suffix "-kun".

Ai Haibara là ai? Nhân vật có nhiều bí ẩn nhất trong Conan | Mọt Game

Conan Edogawa / Shinichi Kujo

Ai and Conan are similar in many ways. First, they are both victims of the side effects of Apotoxin 4869 (Ai's creation, by the way), and thus two young people forced to conceal the fact that they are not children; by the same token, they are both aware of the existence of the Organization, and have allied themselves to protect themselves from it (and, because of Conan's goals, to bring it down). Secondly, both are eminently intelligent: they were both gifted children, like their parents, and continue to work in their respective fields (Ai doing research for the antidote to APTX 4869, Conan continuing his investigations).

Ai and Conan are also very close, and, although neither has explicitly admitted it, true friends: they worry when the other is in danger, and are ready to help each other (in fact, in the episode on Shinichi's return, he asks her why, and she seems confused by the question, before claiming that it's simply in her own interest), and even to sacrifice themselves for the other, if need be (although Ai sometimes takes the liberty of demanding something in return...). ..). Conan, along with Agasa, is one of the few people to have seen signs of weakness in her (as when she breaks down against him, crying, in episode 129) and to have heard her talk about her past and her family (as in episode 341). In addition, Ai is very interested in Conan's way of thinking and acting: his sense of Justice, his incredible deductions that always end up shedding light on the truth, strike Ai, who had previously only known about the Organization's evil and secretive acts. In addition, she particularly enjoys teasing Conan, sometimes going so far as to ridicule him, especially as he is often unable to retort, and is often surprised by changes in Ai's behavior or mood, even though he also manages to throw her off balance in this way, but to a much lesser extent.

It's worth noting that, although they have confided in each other about certain aspects of their private lives since their first meeting, they are far from truly open with each other on this subject, and Ai in particular refuses to divulge any information about the Organization.

Ran Mouri

For a while, Ai remained particularly cold and distant with Ran, the latter thinking that Ai hated her. But from episode 247 onwards, she opened up to the young high-school student, appreciating her thoughts on "what's right".

Since then, they've gradually grown closer, Ran showing great affection for this "cute little girl". Ai's feelings for Ran deepen especially from episode 345, when Ran saves Ai from Vermouth's bullets, the latter not daring to hurt "Angel" and preferring to shoot aside: with her back on the gravel, embraced by a terrified but protective Ran, Ai likens her savior to her older sister, Akemi Miyano, who looks a bit like her (long black hair, pronounced kindness), which was also perhaps the reason for her initial reserve towards Ran.

From this point on, Ai will ensure Ran's protection from the Organization: in episode 425, she will do her utmost to keep Ran at Agasa, to keep her away from the Mouri Agency, a likely target of the Men in Black. Likewise, Ran will continue to take care of Ai, worrying about what she then takes to be simple concern or possible discomfort on the Mystery Train (episodes 702 and 703), and then about her absence in a chaotic situation (episode 704).

Junior Detectives
Along with Conan and Agasa, the Junior Detectives are Ai's closest and most frequent contacts: they are classmates and friends; but they are still unaware of her true identity. At first, she remained aloof with them (in her introduction to episode 129, Ayumi thinks she's shy, while Genta thinks she's pretentious); but little by little, she can't resist their warm demeanor and eventually becomes part of the group.

detective conan
Ayumi Yoshida

Apart from Conan and Agasa , the person closest to Ai is certainly Ayumi: in episode 329, the little girl notices that only Ai calls her by her surname, unlike Conan, Genta and Mitsuhiko, for example; she then tries to call Ai "Ai-chan", but, too hesitant, she doesn't succeed, until Ai, who has noticed and understood her intention, explicitly gives her permission. On the other hand, Genta and Mitsuhiko, who, seeing this, were also about to call her by her first name, are immediately reprimanded by Ai, who forbids them to do so, leaving only Ayumi with this genuine privilege. On the whole, Ai seems to regard Ayumi as a little sister, not hesitating to put herself in danger for her sake (as in episode 375, where she stands in front of Ayumi at gunpoint to shield her body).

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya

The intelligent - though not as intelligent as they were, when they were really the same age, the gifted Ai and Conan - Mitsuhiko, on the other hand, developed amorous feelings for Ai rather quickly (leading him, in Film 5: Countdown to Heaven, to ask Ran whether someone who, like him, loves two people at once, namely Ai and Ayumi, was a bad person). Ai is aware of Mitsuhiko's feelings, and doesn't hesitate to use them to her advantage when she needs him but doesn't respond to them; however, she respects Mitsuhiko's position towards her, and appreciates his intelligence and courage, which he has shown on several occasions during the Junior Detectives' investigations: it would even seem that in times of difficulty, she trusts him more than Ayumi or Genta. Mitsuhiko's strict upbringing and correctness of language mean that he always calls Ai "Haibara-san".

Genta Kojima

As for Genta, he appreciates Ai's beauty (as shown by his comments as early as episode 129), without, however, going as far as Mitsuhiko's feelings. Despite his stature, he is quickly terrified by the stern Ai, who doesn't hesitate to scold or even slap him to punish him (as in OAV 11: A Secret Order from London). He is nevertheless very cordial with her, and although he calls her by her surname, he doesn't use a suffix ("Haibara").

Hiroshi Agasa

Despite her real and apparent age, Ai acts more like a mother or wife to the professor than a granddaughter or niece (which is what she's supposed to be): she's constantly berating him, especially about his diet, trying to get him to lose the extra kilos and keep him free of nutritional diseases. In reality, however, this is a sign of affection on her part towards the old man, and she has already shown a more direct if discreet affection on several occasions; she has even put herself in danger to protect the professor.

What's more, Ai is more at ease with the professor than with most people. This is no doubt due to the fact that they've lived together permanently since Agasa took her in; or precisely that he took her in, when she had just left the Organization, lost the last member of her family and was in a moment of immense distress; or perhaps because, even if their fields aren't the same, they're both genius scientists (although Agasa's devices are far from a success; after all, Apotoxin 4869 isn't really finished either, it seems).

It should be noted that Agasa had already met Shiho's father and vaguely knew his mother, but was unaware that they had children.

Dai Moroboshi

Ai knows that "Dai Moroboshi" was her sister's boyfriend and a traitor to the Organization, who undoubtedly caused her sister's death (which is not untrue, as one of the motives for Akemi Miyano's murder was that she had been very close to Akai); she has even met him on at least one occasion, and has therefore identified the man with the scar she met on the Mystery Train as certainly being Moroboshi, without being certain because of said scar.

Nevertheless, she doesn't know Moroboshi's true identity, so when Conan repeatedly mentions "Akai Shuichi" in front of her, she questions him to find out who he is (which leads to a misunderstanding, as Conan, worried that she might meet him, tries to dissuade her, and Ai immediately concludes that this "Akai" is a lolicon).Détective Conan : L'histoire d'Ai Haibara - Le train noir - Long-métrage  d'animation

Subaru Okiya

When Subaru first appears (episode 509), Ai is seized by the feeling she gets from the members of the Organization: although she couldn't say for sure that it came from him, and the feeling quickly faded, she has since been convinced (no doubt spurred on by his closeness to the Kudo household and his entry into her close circle) that he was behind it. As a result, she remained suspicious of him for a long time, looking for double meanings in the words he addressed to her (she continued to do so even after she had partially trusted him, for example in episode 685).Nevertheless, following the Detective Nocturne affair (episode 674), his saving of Conan and his utterance of a phrase that she could interpret as a promise to protect her from the Organization, led her to tolerate his presence and even grant him a degree of trust.

Men in Black Organization

A former member of the Organization, Ai is able to sense the nearby presence of members of this criminal syndicate, in the form of a gripping sense of oppression and terror.


Gin seems to enjoy stalking Shiho, even though she fears and hates him far more than most members of the Organization. There is some speculation about a sentimental or carnal relationship between them. It's worth noting that it's Gin who locks her in the room where she ends up absorbing Apotoxin 4869.


Vodka knows Shiho, at least because he was with Gin when she was arrested after her rebellion.


Vermouth is the other member of the Organization whom Ai fears more than most. The former actress asserts that Sherry is the one person who absolutely cannot live, going so far as to partially break her promise to Conan not to attack Ai again (episode 345), helping Bourbon track her down (Mystery Train, episodes 701 to 704) to kill her: she even goes so far as to booby-trap with explosives the carriage where her colleague was to lock Shiho up, without his knowledge, leading the Organization's investigator to understand just how much Vermouth wants to get rid of the former researcher.


Bourbon seems to have known Shiho's parents, and she has heard of him, but they've obviously never met directly...


See Ai Haibara's anime appearances.

  • "Watashi passu" ("I pass"), almost every time someone around her suggests an activity.
  • "Jodan" ("I'm joking"), very often when she's just thrown a dig at Conan, or has just made a comment about herself (and especially her true "self") to those around her.

eBookJapan had Detective Conan readers (internationally) vote for their favorite character from April 12 to May 12, 2011: Ai takes 4th place with 686 votes out of 5,883.

For the release of Film 15: le quart d'heure de silence, the film's official website organized a vote on the ten favorite Detective Conan characters: Ai took 4th place.

For the publication of the 800th issue, Shonen Sunday organized a popularity vote, based on 91 characters from Detective Conan: Ai came 3rd overall, with 1,592 votes.

Physical description

Ai Haibara has the appearance of a cute little girl with brown or chestnut hair (which is what members of the FBI, third parties and even acquaintances sometimes call her) cut at the neck but no specific hairstyle, and big bluish eyes.

Because of her work on the antidote, which she usually pursues late into the night and which gives her dark circles from fatigue, Conan once referred to her as a "bad-eyed girl" (episode 557).


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