Collection: CowBoy Bebop - Figures

Our CowBoy Bebop anime figures

Find and buy your figures of the CowBoy Bebop universe exclusively and at the best price on our site. Our products are faithfully adapted from the anime and are perfect for a gift or complete a collection.

What is a CowBoy Bebop figure?

It's a small toy often made of PVC or resin allowing big anime fans to easily dive into the universe of the anime from the land of the rising sun and to be able to admire his favorite characters in the smallest details. Anime figures are not reserved to a particular category of people or age. They are collected for various reasons. For high-level collectors, the figures serve as a source of inspiration to create a new story. Others buy them in large quantities to display in a window or in their original boxes as decorative gems. Older people are also concerned by the collection of anime figures. For them, accumulating these small characters in statuette is a way to cultivate the memory.


History of CowBoy Bebop anime:

In 2022, the accidental explosion of an experimental gate device that allows hyperspace travel severely damages the Moon, causing a swarm of meteorites and asteroids to drift in and bombard the surface of planet Earth, wiping out a large portion of the population. The survivors then abandoned the now inhospitable planet to colonize new habitable systems: Mars, Venus, the asteroid belt, and the satellites of Jupiter. By 2071, Astral Gates technology had stabilized and developed thriving civilizations on several of these planets, including Mars, the new center of human civilization.

Spike Spiegel , a former Red Dragon affiliate, and Jet Black , a former ISSP investigator, are two bounty hunters who travel from planet to planet in their spaceship, the Bebop . They are eventually (and hesitantly) joined by three new companions: the hyper-intelligent Pembroke Welsh Corgi Ein , the defiant con artist wanted by creditors Faye Valentine , and the eccentric and brilliant pre-teen hacker Radical Edward .

Politics, society and the economy have changed over time. New generations have grown up with no memory of Earth, and ethnic groups and nations have given way to planetary allegiances. As these new communities prospered, the economy exploded (similar to the economically productive nations encountered after World War II). However, this also widened the disparity between rich and poor, and interplanetary crime syndicates began to exert influence over planetary governments and the Intersolar System Police (ISSP). In order to control criminal activity, a "bounty-reward system" was introduced similar to the Wild West. These new solar system bounty hunters were therefore often called "cowboys" and had an unsavory or envious reputation depending on who you talked to.

The technology of the time was a mix of old and new. Individuals could own cars or spaceships and travel freely throughout the solar system if they had the woolongs (their currency).

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