Launcher Beyblade Burst Yellow - Beyblade™
Launcher Beyblade Burst Yellow - Beyblade™
Beyblade Burst Yellow Launcherfrom the anime Beyblade™
Pitching information:
- Size: 6cm
- Rotation: Left
- Compatibility: All Beyblade Burst spinners
⛩ If you're going to embark on a Beyblade spinning top adventure, then you're going to need a Beyblade launcher worth its salt! The launch is the most important phase in a blader duel. A crucial step in a blader duel, the Beyblade spinner launch should not be taken lightly! With this yellow Beyblade Burst launcher, train your throwing stroke and remember that concentration is an essential part of defeating your opponents.
We invite you to discover our complete collection of Beyblade Throwers in order to become the greatest Bladeur in Store.
For any other figure or accessories anime, take a look at our figure and goodies animes. ⛩
Categories: Beyblade, Beyblade launchers
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